Holistic Healing: an Introduction
Holistic healing is an approach to health and wellness that takes into consideration the whole person, addressing their physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being, spiritual values, social lifestyle, and interaction with the environment. Holistic (or “wholistic”) health is based on the natural principle that the whole is comprised of inter-reliant parts, and that when one part is not functioning at optimum levels, it impacts all of the other parts. Holistic healing focuses on all aspects of a person, not just the physical portion where ailments are most obvious. Physical symptoms can be alleviated by taking medication, but unless the whole person is treated, the actual root of the problem still exists. Holistic healing goes beyond merely treating symptoms, and instead uses them as a guide to address the root cause of the problem. Principals of Holistic Healing
Holistic healing principles can be applied to any type of issue and support the body’s natural health and healing system. For example, if we are feeling anxious or worried, these feelings can easily translate into short-term physical distress such as stomach issues, headaches or various aches and pains. Long-term stress has a more devastating effect on our health, as suppressed anger, frustration and a feeling of lack of control or power over one’s life can manifest into a more serious illness or disease. A holistic healer understands that distress is an indication of an imbalance in our system and considers all aspects of a person in evaluating the condition and appropriate treatment, rather than merely looking at outside sources as the cause of the problem. Imbalances can stem from unhealthy lifestyle choices such as a poor diet, lack of exercise, and sleep deprivation as well as from unfulfilled emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Lifestyle and Holistic Healing
An ongoing process and approach to life rather than just centering on individual issues, holistic healing involves us in every aspect of the mind, body and soul relationship. With an objective of achieving optimum health and wellness, a holistic healer leads us on a journey of self-discovery and engages us in taking an active role and responsibility with regards to everyday choices. Because the cells in our bodies are continually being replaced and are developed from what currently exists in the body, it is essential that we become aware of the effects of our choices. Unhealthy foods, harmful substances, a toxic environment, and negative attitudes can result in flawed or damaged cells, resulting in healthy cells being replaced with sickly cells and ultimately leading to illness or even death. Seemingly insignificant choices made each day accumulate in the mind and body, establishing our quality of life now and in the future. The focus and goal of holistic healing is to achieve the highest overall level of health and wellbeing through thoughtfully considered choices. While setbacks may occur, they are short-lived and the general flow is continually toward wellness. Embracing holistic health and healing enables us to obtain wholeness within ourselves, which then naturally expands into increasing compassion and acceptance of others along with caring for our relationships and physical surroundings. |