Monthly Archives: December 2016

How Spirits / Ghosts enter body


There are various ways of getting entities, and various activities and lifestyle choices that predispose you to them. There are also places that teem with entities and people who can transmit them to you, so be careful where you go and with whom you mix!

Holes in the Aura
This is the most common way for entities to get in. An intact aura will protect you quite well against entities. The only problem is very few people have an intact aura. You develop holes in your aura if, for example, you had surgery. When an incision into your skin is made, the energy field is opened up as well and entities can get in. This is aggravated by the fact that hospitals are among the worst places to be with an open aura because many earthbound spirits, spirits of the recently deceased and entities are hanging around in hospitals! And secondly, unconsciousness makes you prone to possession by entities – both these factors usually come together during surgery in a hospital. So, if you ever had surgery you probably have entities.

Soul Loss
You can also get holes in the aura because you had a soul loss. This is a shamanic term for losing a part of yourself, part of your spirit soul because of a great trauma or a prolonged period of suffering and unhappiness. When you lose a piece of your soul it leaves a big hole in your aura. This type of hole cannot be closed by mere aura healing, Reiki or crystal healing. For it to be permanently closed the missing soul piece has to be retrieved and reinstalled by an experienced shaman. This procedure is called soul retrieval. You can always book a soul retrieval healing with me, even if you live far away. I am capable of doing soul retrieval in a distance healing session, so I can help you wherever you are.

In terms of entities this means, if you lost a loved one (whether a beloved human or a beloved pet) and never got over it, if you had a traumatic accident or any other great loss or trauma or period of prolonged unhappiness you can be sure that you have holes in your aura caused by soul loss, and, you can be quite sure that you have entities as well! In these cases it is not enough to just remove all the entities, the soul loss needs to be fixed by a proper soul retrieval, or you soon will attract new entities that plague you!

The use of drugs or alcohol also creates holes in the aura! This means if you have ever been drunk, even once in your whole life, if you have ever smoked marijuana or taken any other drugs, even once, you are prone to have entities. Alcoholics and drug addicts usually have an aura that resembles Swiss cheese and tend to have more entities! Having close contact with substance abusers can expose you to their entities as well.

And there are various other causes for holes in the aura as well, such as physical injury and trauma, emotional problems, or insufficiently developed chakras. Sometimes a person’s energy body can already be incomplete or damaged from birth, for example if they had a big trauma in a past life. In the end any kind of weakness in the aura will expose you to entities. Many healers are specialised in repairing the subtle body and can see it very clearly. In countless healing sessions I have seen 90% of people  whose energy body was not intact. And therefore I say the chances that you have entities are almost 90 per cent.

Whenever you are unconscious you do not inhabit your body. It doesn’t matter whether this unconsciousness was caused by anaesthesia, the use of drugs, or by fainting from low blood pressure. Whenever you are out, other things can get in. A person who is drunk or on drugs may not be fully unconscious, but they are still “out of it” and that is enough to open them up to entities. If you have ever been unconscious you are likely to have entities.

Close Contact
During intercourse of a lower nature entities are being transferred. When your Muladhara chakra  is linked to the Muladhara chakra of another, as happens during intercourse, entities have a free-way into your body! If the one you are sleeping with is an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a negative man / woman who is full of entities, or worst of all, a vampire, you can be sure that you will pick up many entities! Even if your partner appears to be nice, but in their mind they are only thinking of themselves, basically using you for their gratification, they will still transfer entities to you. So choose your sex partners carefully for you may catch more than diseases by sleeping with the wrong partner.

People with serious entity problems can sometimes be so negative that mere contact with them is enough to transfer entities to you! In some cases just having them in your house will do it! Like lice, entities like to jump to a fresh source of energy from time to time. And if you are open at that moment, because you had a few glasses of wine, or recently had surgery, or simply because you have holes in your energy field, some of their entities may jump over!

Crowds enable entities to jump over to new hosts with ease. Have you ever been in a crowd and come home with a terrible headache, even though you are not normally prone to headaches? If so you probably picked something up in the crowd. It is generally a good procedure to take a shower, put on new clothes and do psychic cleansing such as smudging whenever you come home after having been in contact with many people or in a crowd.

Entities and demons can also be sent to a person by sorcery (commonly known as “black magic”). When entities are sent by a sorcerer they are much more persistent than ordinary entities which are basically just opportunists. Let me explain: if you are in an area where there are entities, and they see you as an easy victim, because your energy field is wide open, or because you happen to be drunk, they may get into you. If on the other hand you are well-shielded, with an intact aura and totally sober and in possession of yourself, the entities are not likely to go for you. They will look for an easier victim.  If however somebody has cursed or hexed you, the entities will throw themselves at you constantly until they get through your defences and break through your intact aura or shields. Even the strongest protection will break down eventually under such onslaught. If somebody sends you entities by sorcery you will need an experienced shaman / witch /healer who knows how to deal with sorcery to sort that problem out for you!