Benefits of Spiritual & Distant Healing

Category : Blog

What Is Spiritual Healing?

The word Spiritual originates from the Latin ‘spiritus’ meaning ‘breath of life’.

Healing can be defined as regaining balance of mind, body and/or emotions.

Spiritual Healers act as conduits for healing energy, universal life force energy, often described as ‘Love and Light’, which relaxes the body, releases tensions and stimulates healing Universal life-force energy is intelligent and knows where to go and what to do to enable the body to heal.

The benefits of healing can be felt on many levels, not just the physical, and the effects can be profound.

Traditionally, spiritual healing is healing in which the healer is felt to be an instrument of the divine, allowing the power of the divine to heal through him or her. The healer acknowledges that he or she does not do the healing.

Many healers who do not call themselves “spiritual healers” acknowledge that they do not do the healing – this has become a well understood idea in healing — but to really live that fully is truly radical. The Art of Spiritual Healing, provides a taste of what spiritual healing is when lived fully and taken to its full conclusion.

The spiritual healing process is all about moving toward wellness and feeling better. Spiritual healing can support well being on all levels–physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual. But spiritual healing helps create wellness by addressing the spiritual, soul, and psychic levels of healing.

Spiritual healing process As a spiritual being, you have an intent in life. You are on earth to learn, grow, play and experience. You also have a unique spiritual vibration. Your unique energy makes you–you! Who you really are and what you really want to do in life form your spiritual intent.

Along with your spiritual intent, there is your physical reality…your health, work, the place you live, relationships, and the personality you have developed.

If any part of your physical reality does not match your spiritual intent, it creates problems. For example, if you are addicted to something, or working at the wrong kind of job, or living in a place you don’t like, or if you have relationships with people who hold you back–all these things create stress and poor health. An excellent way to begin re-aligning with your spiritual intent is by learning how to meditate.

If you are deeply out of touch with your spiritual intent, you have probably developed a personality which is not authentic–it does not reflect who you really are inside. Being disconnected from your authentic spiritual intent creates deep emotional blocks, spiritual stress, and many life problems. You can find out more about healing hidden emotions in Auras and Chakras.

Spiritual healing is about bringing all the pieces of your life–including your own personality–into alignment with your spiritual intent for this life. Spiritual healing involves change and growth. It also involves letting go of things that hold you back from being who you really are.
Spiritual healing is more than just an idea or concept, it is also an active process. You need to be actively involved in your own healing on many levels. You need to be willing to do whatever it takes to create health and well-being. Fortunately, you don’t need to do this alone–others can assist in many ways. One key way others can support you is through the process of spiritual healings.

Spiritual healings help you get more in touch with yourself, your energy and your spiritual intent. Spiritual healings also support you releasing blocks and clearing out other people’s energies which are holding you back. Spiritual Healings–also known as Energy Healings and Aura Healings–actively support the spiritual healing process on energy, soul and psychic levels.

Energy Healing vs. Spiritual Healing

There is no standard definition for spiritual healing or energy healing and often they are considered to be the same thing. Both terms can refer to widely varying practices, and there are many ways in which they overlap.

Since everything is energy, energy healing can simultaneously affect all levels of life – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Depending on the leanings of the healer and client, an energy healing session can have a spiritual focus and impact. On the other hand, what a spiritual healer does may look exactly the same as what an energy healer does, and can also affect all levels. What, then, would distinguish energy healing from spiritual healing, and vice versa?

An exploration of this question is actually quite complex, and it becomes clear that our current institutions and language do not adequately describe the tremendous variety of emerging healing practices. The understanding that everything is energy points to the impossibility of separating out the spiritual from the material. Energy healing truly bridges the gap between science and spirituality, and yet our institutions are either secular or spiritual. A healer who works purely with energy may may feel more aligned with either the scientific/medical model or a spiritual/religious model.

Spiritual Healing

The key feature which distinguishes spiritual healing, at least in the traditional usage, is that the healer is seen as a vehicle for divine intervention. Many healers, however, also feel that they are divinely guided (regardless of the language used to describe this), and so even this key feature may not serve to distinguish spiritual healers from energy healers. Nevertheless, it could be said that spiritual healing in its purest form relies totally on the intervention of a “higher intelligence” — the healing occurs spontaneously without the healer making conscious choices.

Spiritual healing often simply involves the use of prayer. Many miraculous healings occurred during the “miracle services” of renowned healer Prashant Guruji. Guruji never touched or even looked at those who received these healings. He didn’t know much about human anatomy. From his point of view, he simply opened to the Holy Spirit, and had complete faith that all would be accomplished through this. A clairvoyant who observed one of guruji’s services, however, was able to see how his aura flowed out energetically and interacted with the energy fields of those who were healed. This happened with out any specific intention or knowledge on guruji’s part. The spiritual healer would not be able to say how the healing occurred, except to acknowledge divine intervention. The healer may even take the position that he/she sees only divine perfection in the one who seeks healing, and so would not even see disturbance or disease.

How does it work?
Healing is a natural therapy, where healing energy is channelled by the healer through to the patient. When our energy is unbalanced or depleted (resulting in illness or stress) the healer acts as a gentle set of ‘jump leads’ channelling energy into the patient, and the energy is then drawn to where it is most needed. For this reason, the healer does not need to know your problem to enable healing to take place, but you are free to talk about it if you wish.

Spiritual Healing is complementary to orthodox medicine; it must not be considered as an alternative. When you are unwell, you may need to seek assistance from your doctor. If you receive Spiritual Healing this will complement your treatment; the two will work together to assist in your recovery.

When we mention Healing of any sort, many people think immediately of making a person well from a physical problem. This is true in part, but it is not the whole picture.

When we mention “Spiritual”, many people immediately think of religion. With Spiritual Healing, this is not so. The Spiritual nature of mankind is all of those parts that are non-physical, such as mind, emotions and the “life force”.  Spiritual Healing can be administered to a person of any religious denomination or none at all. Religion and Faith take no part in a Spiritual Healing session and will not be discussed with you. Remember that the purpose of your visit is to receive Spiritual Healing; if you have a question the Spiritual Healer will gladly answer it.

When Spiritual Healing is administered it can assist a person on any or all of those levels of self, thus treating the whole person.

No faith is required. Spiritual Healing is administered to babies, young children and animals. It is perhaps an obvious statement to make, that they are not going to know about faith, yet they can benefit from the Healing. Nothing is expected from the patient, except perhaps openness to what may happen, and a degree of trust in the Healer. An acceptance of the need for change and the will to do so will also help.

It may surprise you to know that the patient has a great influence on the level of recovery, because it is the patient’s positive attitude in wanting to feel well again that works with both medical treatment and Spiritual Healing.

When you receive Spiritual Healing it will first be explained to you how the Healer will work with you. Having explained the procedure for working, the Spiritual Healer will ask you if you wish to continue. With your agreement, the session will commence.

The Healer, with your permission, will either place his/her hands gently on you, this is “hands-on healing”, or may work with their hands close to you but not touching you, this is “hands-off healing”. Both work equally well, but each Healer has their own way of working. Healers are aware of where they may and may not place their hands, in respect to “sensitive areas”; they work to a Code of Conduct issued by their organisation to which they must adhere – it is compulsory.

The duration of the healing session varies from person to person and is usually between twenty and thirty minutes, though it may be much longer if the healer considers it beneficial. During the healing session you will be asked to relax and quieten your mind; you may close your eyes to assist this process. To aid with relaxation, the healer may provide gentle, relaxing music.  As healing proceeds, you may feel a little warmer, a little cooler, or no change at all – just relax and enjoy the session. Equally, don’t try to detect what is happening, just RELAX.

Your Doctor has the right to refer you for Spiritual Healing if he feels it would be beneficial. You also have the right to request Spiritual Healing.

The Healer will always encourage you to remain in touch with your Doctor. As previously mentioned, Spiritual Healing is complementary to medical treatment, so do tell your Doctor of any benefits that you may feel.

The Doctor will always remain in control of your medical care.

Past lives & Reincarnation -

Understanding about Past Lives and Reincarnation

Category : Past Life Therapy

Why does belief in past lives and reincarnation make sense? This is a question that I’ve personally considered all throughout my practice as a hypnotherapist. It is difficult to prove any theory of the afterlife of course, but reincarnation is indicated as a very plausible theory, even without the experience that many people have with past life regression. The purpose of this article is not to come up with the definitive answer, but rather to spark some thought and consideration about this possibility.

One Birth Theory vs. Multiple Birth Theory

Reincarnation and karma explains the inequities found among individuals and groups.

In the religions that propose that people have one life, there is really no logical explanation as to why there is so much disparity between the lives of separate individuals. The question that perplexes many of us is simply this, why would the creator god decide that someone would have all the advantages of a fully endowed life (enough of the necessities of life and to be born being surrounded by the circumstances that would allow for the correct spiritual view) while others are not so fortunate? And, why would the creator god then decide that those who “do not comply” with the dogmas of that religion be damned to eternal punishment? One would have to decide that the creator god is quite capricious rather than the all knowing all loving being.

When you allow for the laws of cause and effect, believing that people experience what they caused others to experience sometime in the future, the inequities of life begin to make more sense. It’s not an uncommon view that when someone performs an action, its effects are definite, so it doesn’t take a great leap of faith that when you think and/or do something, that a potentiality is planted in your mind. Under the right circumstances, that potentiality can ripen into an effect. Thus positive causes result in positive effects, and negative causes result in negative effects. If you were unkind in a past life, unkindness (under the right circumstances) can ripen and be present in a life. If you deprived people of necessities or their life, then those effects, under the right circumstances, can also ripen in the future.

No afterlife point of view vs. multiple birth theory

To believe that there is no afterlife what-so-ever, you would have to believe that our consciousness is centered in the body and that all minds are gross minds. Simply put, when the body dies, the mind dies and that’s it. It is a materialistic point of view, meaning that your consciousness is based on your body.

We do know that all minds are not gross minds (dream minds tell us this), and we even know that the gross mind is not a solid entity. If the mind existed from its own side, it would never change. Our mind is dependent on many causes and is ever changing. We also know that all of our existence, including the existence of our mind, has always been a potential effect since the beginning of time, or it would not exist today. This is the same for our body and this current make-up of who we are is an effect from potentials begun many eons ago.

So, if this mind that we call “me” has been a potential, when we die, why wouldn’t it be a potential again? And, since it has already been a realized potential, what stops it from continuing on? Why then would our mind stop at death? There is no proof that anyone can point to that clearly demonstrates that the mind, our sense of self or our “I” is dependent on the body, but with the above reasoning, we can say that our body is rather dependent on the potentials and minds that preceded it.

psychic attack -

Psychic Attacks| Black Magic|Negative Energy & Spirit Entity

Psychic attacks are initiated by those who have access to dark energies. They know how exactly to manipulate different types of dark spirits, energies and entities.

The person who knows how to initiate powerful psychic attacks transfers negative and dark energies into the energy and physical body of another person. At certain times, dark forces and energies are sent by a person without their awareness.

Most of the time, they are sent intentionally to create damage and harm and psychic attacksto manipulate, control and punish the sufferer. Psychic attacks can be triggered through ritualistic ceremonies and techniques or by using the mind and psychic powers.

If a person’s aura is strong and healthy, the attacker will be unable to penetrate. Factors that weaken the aura include negative emotions, repressed emotions, diseases, smoking and use of alcohol and drugs. Aura can also be severely weakened leaving the person vulnerable to psychic attacks through the presence of worms, parasites, fungus, atomic and chemical poisons in the body.

Most of the diseases and illnesses have their roots in the aura from where they move on to the physical body. It is therefore necessary to take optimum care of the energy body in order to protect it from psychic attacks.

Psychic attacks intentionally triggered through voodoo, spells, negative spiritual attacksenergy rays, invocations, mantras and black magic types can cause serious harm to animals and humans at the emotional, physical, spiritual and mental levels. The sufferer is debilitated at the energy and health level due to the attack.

Psychic attacks trigger many symptoms that indicate the presence of dark energies, entities and spirits. These symptoms can also be due to other health conditions and it is therefore imperative to explore all possibilities before initiating treatment.

Those who are under psychic attack may start acting totally out of character and may display major behavioral changes for no apparent reason. The sufferer is unable to think in an analytical and clear manner and experiences frequent lapse in memory.

The person under spiritual attack also feels totally drained and suffers from fatigue for no reason. They tend to hear voices and experience sudden icy cold feeling all over their bodies. Sufferers have frequent, recurrent nightmares and experience recurring accidents. They totally lack in self confidence and experience extreme fear and discomfort in a particular area in the home or office.

They always have a strange feeling that someone is watching them and experience sudden loss of energy. Other symptoms of psychic attacks include unexplained illnesses that cannot be diagnosed with ease, a feeling that someone unexpectedly bumps into you even if there is no one else present in the room and sensing a strong other presence.

Sufferers also go into a deep depression all of a sudden for no reason and have constant, irrational difficulties with their relationships and finances. They imagine frightening shadows, animals and monsters and have hallucinations and visions. They are plagued by an obsessively negative thought and irrational sorrow, anger and fear.

Spiritual attacks can be combated with the help of a good, reputed psychic healer who will give you valuable tips on how to deal with the situation.

When you experience a psychic attack it is caused by the manipulation of energies and forces which are negative and their vibration are sent across to a person or place which will create disturbances in the physical body of a person and change the energy of a place.

You could see this negative energy as being a spirit, an entity, a being, a thought form or done in magic rituals where harm is meant for a person or place.

For many people there is no belief that they can be psychically attacked. Unfortunately it is true we can be attacked psychically in more ways than one. And if you think that simply ignoring them it will go away this is where you are wrong, they do not go away rather they need to be dealt with.

Psychic Attack

A psychic attack can be intentional or unintentional. The latter is most common.

Intentional Psychic Attack

Intentional psychic attacks can include spells, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or types of black magic. They attack the psyche and can produce devastating effects on the overall health and energy level of the victim.

An intentional psychic attack has serious consequences.

Some signs of an intentional psychic attack and black magic attack are:

  • Unusual sleep disturbances.
  • Regular nightmares.
  • Pronounced feeling of unwellness when physically nothing is wrong with the body.
  • Drainage of energy, severe fatigue.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Sudden onset of depression.
  • Feeling that you have been cut off from the Source.
  • Uncharacteristic thoughts (“Life is not worth living”, “I want to die”, etc.)
  • Feeling being manipulated by some other consciousness.
  • Many things go wrong at the same time.
  • Sudden financial and other material losses.
  • A wasting disease.
  • Hearing unpleasant voices, having scary visions, smelling foul smells.

Removal of the consequences of intentional black magic should be done by a professional. First, the fact of psychic attack has to be confirmed by taking the client’s history and by psychic analysis.

On the etheric level, black magic energies are felt as something extremely unpleasant, nausea-inducing.

The methods of removal of the consequences of psychic attack will depend upon the type of psychic attack.

Unintentional Psychic Attack

The same as intentional but the sender is unaware of what they are doing. They usually harvest intense negative emotions towards the victim. The attack can often happen during the exchange of harsh words and heated moments. The attacking energy is released from one person to the other. It  can remain with them until the energy is properly cleared.

Psychic and/or Dark Negative Energies

This occurs when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. Negative energy may be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. All of these energies can create harmful effects within the person or place.

Psychic attacks and/or dark negative energies do happen more often today than ever before. Some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don’t exist and cannot happen if you don’t believe in them or giving them power by focusing attention to them. This is not true. Problems can and do happen as a result of negative energies and psychic attacks.

We are all connected, influenced and surrounded by many types of energies like mysterious, supernatural, beautiful energies, including intelligent energies, angels and guides. We are affected by the universal energies of all the planets including the Sun, the Moon, other planets, asteroids and stars. Therefore, we are also exposed to several types of negative energies, entities, spirits and intelligent energies which can affect us in so many different ways.

Ancient and Cultured Societies

Societies from Egyptian times to the present have worked with psychic attacks and dark negative energies. African and Haitian people practice voodoo and black magic. North American and European cultures practice black magic and witchcraft. Indian, Chinese and South American tribes have similar practices. Australian Aboriginals practice something called “pointing the bone”. Similar practices are recorded from ancient times and continue to be practiced today in all societies.

Dark Spirits and Entities

Dark spirits and entities can move into physical bodies and auras affecting what people think, speak, do, desire, and or feel. You and/or a place can be invaded by these spirits or entities which can take on the physical attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there appears to be a complete personality change.

Negative Thoughts

Another common/major type of dark negative energy that can be sent to others is through negative thought directed by, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear. These types are called thought forms and they can be embedded into a person’s body or in various layers of their auras causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.

Thought-forms are a manifestation of mental energy that can be sent to others through negative thinking, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear.

A thought-form can be positioned into the attended target’s physical body or various layers of their energetic bodies (auras) causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.

Black Magic, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft and Hexes

Curses (also called execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity — one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, “curse” may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic,witchcraft, a natural force, or a spirit.

In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result that can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. They can involve ritualistic techniques, ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of. Some curses are sent without awareness.

The dark energies that are employed to carry out the curse, will find their way into physical and energetic bodies (auric layers) and homes of the intended targets to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the victim.

The dark energies will affect the victim’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Sometimes the targeted person will take on the physical characteristics, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity to such a degree that the person afflicted has a complete personality change.

Dark and negative energies can be sent intentionally by others this is called psychic attacks and can seriously affect humans, animals and places physically, emotionally, mentally and on many spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include spells, witchcraft, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or many other types of black magic. These energies can attack your psyches and can produce debilitating effects on your overall health and energy level of the affected person.

Drawing Negative Energies to Ourselves

We can draw negative energies, entities and spirits into ourselves without any influence whatsoever from external sources.

Prolonged states of anger, rage, resentments, bitterness, vindictiveness, and many types of fears, will draw and attract these negative energies to us. It’s normal to get angry or fearful when things happen in our lives and these occurrences do not draw the dark side in to us. It’s the long-term and prolonged states that set up the energetic attraction.

Outside Force

Violence of all types, physical, emotional and mental is a very powerful draw for dark and negative types of energies. Certain entities are attracted to certain energetic vibrations. Once they find someone that emanates that vibration they latch on to them feeding of off the person’s bad behavior and even encourages them to indulge in it.

Drug and alcohol abuse also draws in these types of energies.  When we become intoxicated, our auras (natural protection) becomes unstable and negative invaders are attracted to the energy set up by this state and it offers an easy way in.

Signs and symptoms of a psychic attack and negative energies

There can be various different types of symptoms and signs that do indicate that a negative psychic attack is being experienced. We have provided a list that can help you to identify and possibly investigate further for yourself.

  • Loss of memory
  • Acting out of character
  • Big changes in behavior for no apparent reason
  • Experiences rage where as before it was only anger
  • Big changes in ways of thinking
  • Constant and ongoing fatigue for no obvious reason
  • Constantly feeling drained
  • Can have a greyish appearance to skin
  • You can feel like there are two of you, the good side and the bad side and you feel the bad side wants to take over in every situation.
  • Experiencing an icy cold feeling on any part of your body which you will experience this coldness right through to your bones and does not go away.
  • Hearing voices
  • Experience frequent and recurrent nightmares
  • Have the feeling that you are being watched constantly
  • Experience a loss of self confidence
  • Having a sudden illness that eludes diagnosis and can not be explained
  • Sudden depression without an apparent cause
  • Ongoing bad luck
  • Irrational fears, sorrow or anger
  • Entering a room that should be warm and feels icy cold.

Of course this is not a complete list but does give you insights of areas to look into. Of course each person is unique and will experience there own signs and symptoms and they know within themselves that something is a miss and does not feel right. So it is important that if you do have negative energies that are on you. Do get help from a person that knows how to deal with negative energies.

Chakras & Endocrine Glands | Meridians|

Category : Aura & Chakras

Why should we care about the endocrine system? We all know someone with diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, hypothyroidism or chronic fatigue syndrome. These disorders are all directly affected by improper activity, or inactivity, of the endocrine system. Hence we all should wonder what is happening with our necessary and important endocrine glands.

The endocrine system consists of ductless, glandular organs that secrete hormones and enzymes necessary for digestion, hormone production and regulation,  immunity, metabolism, fat utilization, glucose uptake into energy conversion and sleep/wake cycles. The endocrine system is so crucial because it connects to the invisible yet very present spiritual chakras and meridian lines in the body. The organs present within this system include the pituitary, the pineal, the thymus, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, and the testes or ovaries.  The toxins and chemicals in today’s water, food and air are directly attacking our endocrine systems. It is imperative that the collective understand how this system works and the importance of proper function. Only then will you understand the gravity of avoiding processed food, fluoride-laden water, heavy metals, xenoestrogens, plasticizers, pesticides and lab synthesized pharmaceuticals.

Whats the importance of the glandular organs? The pituitary is involved in a very complex biofeedback loop that involves the hypothalamus in your brain and numerous other target organs. It helps to regulate release of hormones that tell your thyroid, ovaries/testes or adrenal what to secrete and when.  Under stress the adrenals are told to release cortisol, the thyroid is told when to produce more or less thyroid hormone based on metabolism, and the ovaries in females, release hormones in relation to monthly cycles or menopause. In a male, the body makes and eventually releases testosterone after numerous androgen building block steps. It even secretes hormones telling our bodies when to grow and mature. All of this is due to communication from the pituitary! The pancreas and digestive tree are the main detoxifiers. Once they back up and malfunction, our other glands become toxic as well as all is connected. Then we are at risk for heart disease, neurodegenerative disorders or autoimmune diseases due to toxin and chemical overload which deregulates the processes built into our DNA.

The fillers for extended shelf life, heavy metals in vaccines and EMF and cell phone towers all aid in changing our DNA.  Fluoride partially blocks our spiritual antenna. The endocrine system is the victim. As it plays a crucial role in directing and controlling chemical messages that affect protein and enzyme production. These toxins are affecting our message system, stagnating our immunity, metabolism, spiritual connectedness and reproduction. Surprisingly, that’s not all.

There is a specific reason that the endocrine system is especially special. Each gland is connected to one of the seven chakras. Chakras are spinning energy vortexes connected to the spiritual, not physical body.  They tie us to our higher self and to God/source/intuition. Physically harming the body can also harm the chakras that are attached to them because the chakras are an energy system that communicates with the physical body. Everything is energy! Disturbances in the subtle energy of the chakras translate into physical manifestation and symptoms. Depending on our genetic and emotional predispositions, the combination of chakra and/or physical toxin overload eventually produces disease in an organ that is susceptible, based simply on our unique personal risk factors.


Chakra systemThe word chakra literally means wheel, circle, vortex, or whirlpool. The chakras are connected to a network of psychic channels called nadis, which correspond to the nerves but are more subtle in nature. The major chakras are seven in number and are located along the pathway of sushumna nadi which flows through the centre of the spinal cord. Sushumna nadi originates at the perineum and terminates at the top of the head.
The chakras are depicted symbolically as lotus flowers, each having a particular number of petals and a characteristic colour. The lotus symbolizes the three stages- ignorance, aspiration and illumination. It represents spiritual growth from the lowest state of awareness to the highest state of’ consciousness. The petals of the lotus, inscribed with the beeja mantras or seed sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet, represent the different manifestations of psychic energy connected with the chakras and the nadis leading into and out of them. Within each chakra is a yantra comprised of the geometrical symbol of its associated element and beeja mantra. Within the yantra there is also a presiding deity, which represents particular aspects of divinity, along with the corresponding vahana or vehicle which is an animal form, representing other psychic aspects related with the particular centre.


On a physical level, chakras are associated with the major nerve plexuses and endocrine glands in the body. Endocrine system is a system of glands which secrete hormones directly into the blood stream rather than through a duct to regulate activity in other parts of the body. It is instrumental in regulating metabolism, growth, development, puberty, tissue function and also plays a part in determining mood. The names of the glands & the chakras are muladhara (adrenal glands), swadhasthana (gondas/ovaries), manipura (spleen/pancreas), anahata (thymus), vishudha (thyroid/parathyroid), ajna (pituitary gland), sahasrara (pineal gland). The ideal condition of chakras is that they all be open and active, and neither underactive (closed) or overactive. If your chakras are closed you need to open the chakras so as to make them active, you should feel more balanced, happy and at peace.

Endocrine Glands

The seven major chakras, although undetectable anatomically, are metaphysically linked with a number of different systems within the physical body. We will explore how the chakras bridge the visible, physical, self – in the form of the spinal cord, the autonomic nervous system, and the endocrine system with our ”subtle” body, that envelope o vibrational energy called the “aura”.

Endocrine GlandsWhile orthodox medicine describes our physical system in terms of chemistry, what is now understood in that for any chemical action to take place a change in the electromagnetic energy of the body must occur. This energy emanates from the “mind” and explains the importance of the mind-body link to our physical, emotional, and mental health. The old scientific paradigm of relating to health purely in terms of the visible is now being superseded by an appreciation of “truths” once embraced only by mystics: that thoughts and the mind precede and affect physical matter. After all, what is thought but a form of energy?

The endocrine system is one of the body’s main physical control mechanishms. It comprises a number of ductless glands that are responsible for the production of many different natural chemicals called hormones. These chemical messengers, which include adrenalin insulin, oestrogen, and progesterone, are secreted into the bloodstream from specific organs in the body to stimulate or inhibit certain physical processes. The endocrine system, along with the autonomic nervous system, helps maintain the parameters needed for optimum health by adjusting levels of hormone secretion to suit special demands. In the same way that an imbalance in one chakra affects the others the nervous and endocrine systems are functionally interconnected and any disturbance in one part can lead to a malfunction elsewhere. In order to gain a better understanding of how the endocrine system links wit the chakras, let us look at each pair in turn:

Adrenals – Root (1st) Chakra
The adrenals are triangular=shaped glands that cap each of the kidneys. They secrete a variety of hormones including those that regulate the body’s metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and ones that control the balance of salt in our bodily fluids. These glands also reduce adrenalin, the hormone essential for our primitive “fight or flight” response, from which we can determine the link between this gland and the Root Chakra’s association with the issues of physical survival.

Ovaries/testes – Sacral (2nd) Chakra
The male and female reproductive organs, or gonads, produce hormones that are responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the depth of voice and amount of body hair. The testes and ovaries control an individual’s sexual development and maturity as well as the production of sperm in males and eggs in females. Our relationship with our own sexuality, and issues of emotional balance concerning that, is a key association of this chakra.

Pancreas – Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra
The pancreas lies behind the stomach and secretes a variety of substances essential for the effective digestion of food It also produces insulin, which helps control the blood’s sugar level. One of the physical dysfunctions of this chakra is diabetes, a disease caused by excess sugar in the bloodstream. There is a further link with the Solar Plexus and adrenalin, which is why we experience “butterflies in the stomach” during frightening experiences. The associated body parts of the Solar Plexus include the digestive system and a further dysfunction of this chakra is stomach ulcers.

Thymus – Heart (4th) Chakra
Located just above the heart, the thymus produces hormones that stimulate general growth particularly early in lif. It also has a purifying role in the body by stimulating the production of lymphocytes, which form part of the blood’s white cells’ defense system, attacking invading organisms and providing immunity. Scientists now recognize that auto-immune diseases, where the immune system attacks its own proteins, mistaking them for a foreign substance, have an emotional link and are not simply due to physical or environmental causes.

Thyroid/Parathyroid – Throat (5th) Chakra
The thyroid gland, situated on either side of the larynx and trachea in the neck, manufactures thyroxine, which controls the body’s metabolic rate – that is, how effectively it converts food into energy. Behind this lies the parathyroid gland which controls the level of calcium in the bloodstream. In addition to physical growth, these glands are also believed to affect one’s mental development. The Throat Chakra, linked with all forms of communication, corresponds to the need to balance between the rational, cerebral, approach and the emotional expression of the heart.

Pituitary – Third Eye (6th) Chakra
The pituitary glands located within a structure at the base of the skull, close ot the eyebrows. Once called the “master gland” of the endocrine system, it has since been found to be controlled by hormonal substances released by the hypothalamus, a part of the brain This vital gland influences growth, metabolism, and general body chemistry. This includes the hormone which produces contractions during labor and releases milk from the breasts during lactation. It is interesting to note this Third Eye= pituitary gland connection with birth and motherhood, a time when namely women feel that their intuition, particularly with regard to their child, is at its peak.

Pineal – Crown (7th) Chakra
The glandular connection of the Crown chakra is the pineal gland, a pea-sized body that lies deep within the brain and was once thought to serve no useful purpose. Considered in the seventeenth century to be the seat of the soul by French philosopher, Rene Descartes, recent scientific research has linked this gland with the production of melatonin and regulates our internal “body clock”. Melatonin is also the subject of intense scientific interest for its possible anti-ageing properties and is believed to affect the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, and gonads – although no one yet understands how or why. Like the Crown’s function within the chakra system as a whole, the pineal gland is the control center for the effective functioning of our physical, emotional, and mental selves.

Kundalini Rising

In the same way that our physical body’s central nervous system consists of the spinal cord leading to the brain the energetic equivalent is the sushumna, vertical column within which the seven chakras are located. The parallels between these physical and metaphysical structures are striking. Whereas the function of the spinal cord is to relay impulses to and from the brain and other parts of the body, the sushumna channels energy from the Universal Life Force to and from the Crown and Root Chakras. Each chakra is rooted into the sushumna by both a front and a rear aspect. In their traditional depictions as lotus flowers, the petals of each chakra emerge from the sushumna at the front of the body, while the stems open out from the back. The stems normally remain closed and have a negative polarity, whereas the petals consecutively vibrate, rotate in a clockwise or anti clockwise direction, as well as open and close. They have a positive polarity.

The journey upward through the chakras is spoken of in terms of “Kundalini rising”. Kundalini is the serpent goddess often depicted as coiled three and a half times around the Root Chakra. According to Hindu tradition, when awakened Kundalini pierces each chakra in turn as she travels toward the crown. Once she has arrived at her destination the subject is said to have achieved enlightenment. There are many links between Kundalini and religious and cultural archetypes. In Genesis it is a serpent that leads Adam and Eve to taste from the Tree of Knowledge, hereby instigating the inner conflict between material needs and the spiritual desire to achieve higher states of consciousness.. And in Egypt, the pharaohs wore serpent symbols over the Third Eye Chakra to represent godlike stature. It is the appreciation of our Higher Self = finding the God within = that is the ultimate goal of this journey through the chakras..

How to create Good Karma

Category : Past Life Therapy

If you believe in reincarnation and future lives, then you might want to consider what conditions you would like to live under in the future, so that you can progress forward in your Spiritual Life.

How to Create Good KarmaIn considering those conditions, here are some of the things I would personally like to have:

1) To become someone that has the physical and mental ability to discriminate between helpful and destructive actions. Animals and others that are constantly in pain have a very difficult time with this discrimination. Also, humans can be born or acquire problems that can take away their ability to discriminate and intentionally perform genuinely beneficial actions.

2) To be born in an environment where there is enough to eat and all the necessities of life are easily found, including fresh water, air and a healthy environment.

3) To be born with wisdom, status and resources to easily allow for a spiritual practice and to assist others with their spiritual practice. This is one of the greatest benefits I experience from my own Spiritual Healing practice.

So, by thinking about what you would like to create for yourself in the future, you can begin to know how to create good karma now so that it’s more likely to happen. Remember that you get to experience in the future what you intentionally cause others to experience. Deciding to assist others with a genuine desire to help is a great way to begin. Of course it’s important to root out any hidden agendas, misunderstandings or deep seated negative karma from the past.

Hypnosis and past life regressions, along with various other forms of alternative healing are a great resource to help you know what you really want to create and clear the limited beliefs or past karma that prevent you from doing so. Taking the time now helps to ensure that the conditions of your future lives will be advantageous for your spiritual healing, progress and happiness.

How do I create good karma?

The word Karma can be thought of as actions or deeds and also as the law of causality. [Karma] According to Mayavada/Advaita Vedanta of Adi Shankara (Great Indian philosopher 8th Century AD) and most Buddhist schools the aim of human life is Moksha/Nirvana or getting rid of Karma and its fruits. But as long as one has not reached that stage some or the other Karma is inevitable whether we like it or not. Therefore those actions that help one reach the aim of Moksha/Nirvana should be done and they constitute good Karma. The Bhagwadgita says that no human being as long he is alive can avoid action, therefore he must involve himself in actions according to his inherent qualities, temperament, social position, Divine eternal moral order/cosmic law  and stage in life. Again for spiritual seekers the Bhagwadgita recommends superior actions (Sattwic), spiritual praxis, self control and surrendering to the Divine will. All these constitute good Karma. According to the dualistic schools (Dvaita) of Indian spirituality love, devotion, faith, service, worship and final surrender to the Divine is the aim of human life and all actions that help reaching this aim are good Karma. According to the Yoga school of Indian spirituality the aim of human life is Moksha and there is a eight-fold path of spiritual praxis. Following the path with sincerity constitutes good Karma. All human beings are born in the world with some inherent qualities, likes, dislikes and aspirations. There is a purpose for each birth. That purpose will have to be fulfilled in life. therefore, that Karma (whether it is good or bad) will have to be compulsorily done. That Karma cannot be wished away.  Thus, certain Karma is unavoidable. All paths of Indian spirituality recommend paths and methods of getting rid of bad Karma as far as possible, minimizing its bad impact as far as possible and doing good Karma or getting rid of Karma altogether. This is for spiritual seekers. For the common men/women following the general rules of morality and ethics should help create good Karma or reaping the fruits of good Karma.

‘Karma’ is a Sanskrit word for actions or deeds. It’s a Hindu and Buddhist concept from ancient India that embodies the idea of cause and effect, action and reaction. It’s also about contributing to a better and more beautiful world. But how does karma work in our lives?

We believe that acting with good, true intentions – and creating and sharing goodness – will always create ‘good karma’. The idea of helping to shape a positive, loving and kind world resonates strongly with us because we feel that this can have a wonderful ripple effect.

How do we practice Good Karma?

Karma is the idea that whatever happens in our lives is a reaction to our own previous actions; it’s an effect of what we’ve done, felt or said before. In other words, all of our intentional actions have an effect, and we’re the creators of our own reality. Whatever we do, say or feel, affects how our lives will be shaped in the future. Karma is all about doing good, not just for ourselves, but for others and the world around us. Let’s think of our lives as a garden. If we take good care of it, if we put in time and effort, it can be beautiful. But we need to realize that there are things in our garden that are beyond our control: rough weather, the seasons and even the people who walk into our garden, whose intentions are different from ours. But we are the gardeners – we determine what our gardens will look like and how we deal with the imperfect and the unexpected.

Creating karma: living with good intent  takes practice. Day after day, living with the right intent means cultivating mindfulness and compassion amid the chaos. It means paying respectful attention to loved ones, to our surroundings, connecting to nature. It means finding beauty in the small things; being open to new wisdom; to listening quietly. It also means building good karma: we need to replace our anger, greed and negativity with love and kindness.

We create our karma through …
the right thoughts;
the right speech;
the right actions.

In other words, by focusing on good intent. Instilling good intentions in all of our thoughts and actions mean that we can’t help but create and share goodness for ourselves and those around us.

How Spirits / Ghosts enter body


There are various ways of getting entities, and various activities and lifestyle choices that predispose you to them. There are also places that teem with entities and people who can transmit them to you, so be careful where you go and with whom you mix!

Holes in the Aura
This is the most common way for entities to get in. An intact aura will protect you quite well against entities. The only problem is very few people have an intact aura. You develop holes in your aura if, for example, you had surgery. When an incision into your skin is made, the energy field is opened up as well and entities can get in. This is aggravated by the fact that hospitals are among the worst places to be with an open aura because many earthbound spirits, spirits of the recently deceased and entities are hanging around in hospitals! And secondly, unconsciousness makes you prone to possession by entities – both these factors usually come together during surgery in a hospital. So, if you ever had surgery you probably have entities.

Soul Loss
You can also get holes in the aura because you had a soul loss. This is a shamanic term for losing a part of yourself, part of your spirit soul because of a great trauma or a prolonged period of suffering and unhappiness. When you lose a piece of your soul it leaves a big hole in your aura. This type of hole cannot be closed by mere aura healing, Reiki or crystal healing. For it to be permanently closed the missing soul piece has to be retrieved and reinstalled by an experienced shaman. This procedure is called soul retrieval. You can always book a soul retrieval healing with me, even if you live far away. I am capable of doing soul retrieval in a distance healing session, so I can help you wherever you are.

In terms of entities this means, if you lost a loved one (whether a beloved human or a beloved pet) and never got over it, if you had a traumatic accident or any other great loss or trauma or period of prolonged unhappiness you can be sure that you have holes in your aura caused by soul loss, and, you can be quite sure that you have entities as well! In these cases it is not enough to just remove all the entities, the soul loss needs to be fixed by a proper soul retrieval, or you soon will attract new entities that plague you!

The use of drugs or alcohol also creates holes in the aura! This means if you have ever been drunk, even once in your whole life, if you have ever smoked marijuana or taken any other drugs, even once, you are prone to have entities. Alcoholics and drug addicts usually have an aura that resembles Swiss cheese and tend to have more entities! Having close contact with substance abusers can expose you to their entities as well.

And there are various other causes for holes in the aura as well, such as physical injury and trauma, emotional problems, or insufficiently developed chakras. Sometimes a person’s energy body can already be incomplete or damaged from birth, for example if they had a big trauma in a past life. In the end any kind of weakness in the aura will expose you to entities. Many healers are specialised in repairing the subtle body and can see it very clearly. In countless healing sessions I have seen 90% of people  whose energy body was not intact. And therefore I say the chances that you have entities are almost 90 per cent.

Whenever you are unconscious you do not inhabit your body. It doesn’t matter whether this unconsciousness was caused by anaesthesia, the use of drugs, or by fainting from low blood pressure. Whenever you are out, other things can get in. A person who is drunk or on drugs may not be fully unconscious, but they are still “out of it” and that is enough to open them up to entities. If you have ever been unconscious you are likely to have entities.

Close Contact
During intercourse of a lower nature entities are being transferred. When your Muladhara chakra  is linked to the Muladhara chakra of another, as happens during intercourse, entities have a free-way into your body! If the one you are sleeping with is an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a negative man / woman who is full of entities, or worst of all, a vampire, you can be sure that you will pick up many entities! Even if your partner appears to be nice, but in their mind they are only thinking of themselves, basically using you for their gratification, they will still transfer entities to you. So choose your sex partners carefully for you may catch more than diseases by sleeping with the wrong partner.

People with serious entity problems can sometimes be so negative that mere contact with them is enough to transfer entities to you! In some cases just having them in your house will do it! Like lice, entities like to jump to a fresh source of energy from time to time. And if you are open at that moment, because you had a few glasses of wine, or recently had surgery, or simply because you have holes in your energy field, some of their entities may jump over!

Crowds enable entities to jump over to new hosts with ease. Have you ever been in a crowd and come home with a terrible headache, even though you are not normally prone to headaches? If so you probably picked something up in the crowd. It is generally a good procedure to take a shower, put on new clothes and do psychic cleansing such as smudging whenever you come home after having been in contact with many people or in a crowd.

Entities and demons can also be sent to a person by sorcery (commonly known as “black magic”). When entities are sent by a sorcerer they are much more persistent than ordinary entities which are basically just opportunists. Let me explain: if you are in an area where there are entities, and they see you as an easy victim, because your energy field is wide open, or because you happen to be drunk, they may get into you. If on the other hand you are well-shielded, with an intact aura and totally sober and in possession of yourself, the entities are not likely to go for you. They will look for an easier victim.  If however somebody has cursed or hexed you, the entities will throw themselves at you constantly until they get through your defences and break through your intact aura or shields. Even the strongest protection will break down eventually under such onslaught. If somebody sends you entities by sorcery you will need an experienced shaman / witch /healer who knows how to deal with sorcery to sort that problem out for you! - LASH - Past life Therapy

Past Lives do affect your Present Life

Category : Past Life Therapy

Past Lives do affect your Present Life

Past lives make logical sense! Why would someone be born blind, or killed in war, or live in abject poverty when someone else lives in a happy family in peacetime and is financially secure? Also, why do some people have battles with a pattern of continuous bad luck that they are seemingly unable to change?

One way of looking at this is that before we incarnate onto this earth plane, we have the intention to work on certain lessons. When we fail at the end of a lifetime to learn that lesson, we get another chance to do a “make over” in another incarnation — with a different set of circumstances or sometimes with the exact person we were with before. But what often happens is that the lesson is still not learned, and therefore a pattern starts to develop. With each succeeding life, the pattern becomes more ingrained, resulting in greater difficulty to overcome it.

From this present life’s perspective, we are puzzled about why we should have this particular pattern or bad luck and how to release it. In actuality, it is just a particular lesson coming up again for resolution.

Fortunately, we can access this information easily through the use of hypnosis. Every memory we have ever had in any lifetime is recorded in our subconscious memory computer, and we can gain access to it through our conscious intention to do so in a very relaxed state.

Past life regression gets at the root from so long ago of when this pattern first began and through good understanding and forgiveness releases the pattern so that it never returns again in this present life or in subsequent lives.

Almost any unresolved issue begun in a past lifetime can affect our present circumstances in health, relationships, career, finances, fears, phobias and addictions.

One common fear is of one’s personal psychic or healing abilities. Someone may be fascinated by these subjects but have a terrific fear of developing them. Many times this can be caused by rejection, banishment, humiliation and even death (burning at the stake), for example, for being a medicine person in a past lifetime. Therefore, there is fear of developing these abilities again because of the subconscious fear that you may again suffer a similar fate. This pattern can be erased by forgiveness of the perpetrator(s) and remembrance of one’s innate psychic and healing abilities.

The following are other fears and patterns that may arise from past lives:

  • Fear of leadership — This can be caused by actual misuse of power or perceived, but not actual, misuse of power in a past life. For example, many people, particularly in the Midwest, have guilt over lives as Native Americans when, as chiefs or tribal leaders, they made decisions they thought were correct but had an adverse effect on their tribe, resulting in widespread death and loss of land. This guilt is misguided, because no matter what their decision, the result would have been the same.
  • Fear of intimacy — Many people with this issue were violated or abused in a previous lifetime and today still carry a lack of trust in and a fear of getting close to others.
  • Failure to let go of a relationship — People may need to repay karma to one another before letting go. Often, though, they fail to recognize when the karma has been completed and it is time to move on.
  • Money issues — These may be the result of greed to the point of harming others’ health and livelihood in a particular lifetime. In this lifetime, therefore, there is scarcity, money losses or failure to be able to make or save money.
  • Weight gain/loss issues — These sometimes are the result of past life food deprivation or starvation. In this lifetime, the person overeats because of a subconscious fear of not having enough food.
  • Illness — Some illnesses, especially those that are unexplained by the medical community, may have a direct basis in a past life. For other illnesses, past lives may be a contributing factor or trigger.

Many people feel actual physical symptoms during hypnosis, such as pain or pressure in their chest or head, shaking of the body, difficulty breathing, and crying. These symptoms go away by the end of the session.

If the perpetrator/victim is someone the client knows in this lifetime, additional dialogue is needed to release current misunderstandings based on the past.


Why Spirits / Ghosts/ Entities Stay Earthbound ? Soul Rescue

Spirit AttachmentGhosts are souls who have left their physical body at what we call “death” but have not completely crossed over to the “other side” into the light. They have not gone onto the next level, the light, heaven, whatever you choose to call it. They remain behind, here on earth, and they account for many ghost sightings and haunted places.

Earthbound spirits, commonly known as ghosts, are deceased souls who remain attached to the earthly realm after dying. When the body expires, the spirit of a person usually moves into the astral realm (via their astral body) to begin a new existence. This astral dimension is very close to our own. Some call it heaven. Sadly, there are spirits who do not fully cross into the light of the astral realm immediately upon death. These spirits are commonly referred to as “Earthbound Spirits”.

Earthbound spirits are souls who either consciously decide not to cross over, are not aware they have died, or are so traumatized by the death experience, they literally cannot see the light. Earthbound spirits are bound to an isolated existence. They continue conscious awareness in their own little world and often linger in earthly locals where they once felt the most comfort and safety. They often have an agenda. You might encounter these spirits in a home, a place of business, or even wandering around a property. In other cases, spirits might inhabit a space somewhere in our reality but are not consciously aware of where that is and are not tied to a specific place.

There are spirits who don’t know they are dead. As hard as it is for us to understand this, it does happen.  These spirits can be benign or very angry because they are confused.

Again, failing to make the normal transition at death can happen for any number of reasons. The death could be sudden and traumatic causing confusion, the spirit exists in a dazed twilight condition, or might even feel rage at being robbed of life. Other reasons could include fear of how they will be treated on the other side, emotional attachments to those left behind, massive guilt, or unfinished business. There are even those who stay for the sake of curiosity or revenge. Some cannot bear to be separated from family members or are worried about a particular family member–such as a spouse left behind. Many earthbound spirits are not aware or choose to ignore guides and loved ones from the other side who have come to escort them across the veil (another term for entering the astral plane). They instead, elect to continue on as before with their emotions and attitudes unchanged.

Will We Become an Earthbound Spirit? 

Most of us will automatically make the transition to the plane of existence which best aligns with our soul’s frequency. This is determined by our nature and what is in our heart at the time of passing–particularly our spiritual awareness and level of compassion. Some of us may require varying degrees of help and adjustment when we move into the Spirit (or astral) realm due to difficult circumstances experienced in life.

The fact is, most of us make the crossing completely. Even people with no religious or deep spiritual backgrounds cross over easily.

Are Earthbound Spirits Stuck Forever?

Because spirits are outside of our space-time continuum, their incorporeal state of existence could go on for hundreds of years by earth’s clock. Usually spirits of this type have been presented with many opportunities, by other spirits or loved ones, to move on to a much better place. They often refuse to acknowledge any attempts for help. They spurn any advances by other to assist them in escaping their dark world. Over time, regardless of their stubbornness or inability to be aware of their trapped condition, these souls will someday move out of the darkness and into the light of the astral world. We here on earth cannot determine when that will be but rest assured it will eventually happen.

A number of different problems can keep a spirit earthbound:

  1. Unresolved grief of a loved one. When a loved one such as a parent, a child, or a sibling dies and a person is not able to accept the loss, the unresolved grief of the survivor seems to make an energetic pull on the deceased that prevents the spirit from fully moving into the next world.
  2. Strong negative feelings at the moment of death. When a person dies in a state of terror, anger, or rage, these feelings are like lead bags holding down a hot air balloon that should rise.  They seem to chain the spirit to the gravitational field of the earth.  For example, civilians who are killed in wars often have very strong negative feelings, because soldiers are only supposed to kill other soldiers, not civilians.
  3. Guilt can also be a reason for a spirit being stuck here. They may feel like they have left the family or loved ones too soon and uncared for. This is also the main reason why suicide victims and other spirits whose death was caused by their actions (alcoholics, drug overdose, etc) remain behind. They feel guilty over taking their life or contributing to their death.
  4. Not knowing what to expect. People with no spiritual training may not know what to expect at the moment of death.  They may think consciousness will end, as if the lights went out and they ceased to exist.  The spirit never dies, and after it leaves the physical body, one still has feelings and can hear and see everything.  Athiests may think that they are still alive and not notice that the body they are in is not their own.  Being dead is so much like being alive that many people die without realizing their condition.
  5. Confusion or disorientation at the moment of death. Other factors that may contribute to a person not realizing what is happening when everyone stops talking to them are situations that impair cognitive brain functions:  head trauma such as a car accident, Alzheimer’s, or drug stupor at the moment of death either from a drug overdose or from opiates given to ease the pain of the final stage of terminal illness. Please note that most people who die make the transition into the next world just fine.  Not everyone who dies from one of the situations listed above becomes earthbound—just a few.
  6. Accidents. One of the big changes within today’s society is that death can sometimes come almost instantly through vehicle accidents. In times past there was often a chance for an individual to prepare for their passing, either through knowing that this might happen in battle or when contracting an illness and then having time to process the transition period. Heart attacks are slightly different in that the unconscious mind will always know that this is going to occur and, in these cases, some form of unconscious preparation takes place. This is why individuals who have heart attacks will sometimes experience a ‘near death experience’ or NDE. The car accident though is something different for in these cases almost no chance is given to the spirit to prepare before they are catapulted out of their bodies often in a state of complete confusion. This is made even worse when the body is blown apart through explosions and those suicide bombers who reek such vengeance cause immense suffering to the Souls of those that they kill and in turn heap considerable karma upon themselves.
  7. Fear of punishment. When people have done things they know are wrong, they may turn away from the Light because they fear they will be sent to a place of punishment.  People who have been raised in strict religious traditions often believe that God is an angry God who will punish them for all of their sins.  The Catholic Church has taught that after death, the soul goes into purgatory, a place of fire, where one’s sins are burned away to purify the soul before it is ready to go into heaven.  Sometimes people are so afraid they will go into purgatory or hell that they refuse to budge and stay earthbound.
  8. Unfinished business. Spirits can stay earthbound because of unresolved interpersonal issues.  Once the situation is resolved, they are at peace and can cross into the Light.
  9. Attachment to material possessions. Some people become so attached to their material possessions that they do not want to leave them when they die.  Real estate agents know that sometimes the deceased former owner of a house has not vacated the premises and is still “living” in what that person considers his or her home.  The new occupants may hear footsteps and noises, and lights may go on and off—all signs of poltergeist activity.
  10. Murder and Suicides. Both murders and suicides can cause spirits to become trapped close to the ‘earth’ plane. In the former case it is often anger that ties the spirit to where they were killed and in the latter the realisation that despite taking their own lives they are still conscious and aware but without any sense of how to get out of their situation. Such spirits can attach themselves to individuals who are passing or will sometimes seek out old friends.
  11. AddictionsThe final grouping relates to those individuals who have strong physical addictions, generally to drugs or alcohol. In such cases at the death of the physical body, experience of the narcotic is so powerful that these Souls seek out those who are similarly addicted, in order to have a form of vicarious experience through a fellow sufferer. This is why addicts need a lot of help on many levels to assist them breaking their habit. Freeing any attachments is an important part of the healing process.


How would you know if you had an earthbound spirit attachment?  The following symptoms are clues, but Soul Detectives use muscle testing to determine whether or not someone else has invaded one’s energy field:

  1. Constant Fatigue. Feeling drained of energy is the primary symptom.  While alive, we get energy from the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the electromagnetic field of the earth.  People without bodies cannot eat or drink, so they have no way to get their own energy.  They need to plug in to someone else’s energy, which drains the host.  The situation is somewhat like a vampire who steals energy from other people.  An analogy is that a living person with an earthbound spirit attachment is riding a bicycle up a hill and carrying a hitchhiker on the back of the bike who has no pedals to help push!
  2. Cold Chill. Earthbound spirits drain energy, also called “chi,” from the spaces they occupy.  When entering a room where an earthbound spirit resides, one may feel a cold chill that penetrates right to the bones.  Also, the hair on the back of the neck may stand up—a very uneasy, unsafe feeling.  When I am with someone with an earthbound spirit attachment, I notice that my hands feel cold and even with turning up the heat, I still feel chilled.
  3. Not Feeling Like Yourself. When someone else has invaded your energy field, you may notice that something is wrong, as if someone else’s thoughts are in your head.  The statement “I don’t feel like myself” is a clue to check whether or not you have picked up a spirit attachment.
  4. Exacerbated Grief. Following someone’s death, one member of the family may have a sudden downward turn in their emotional functioning and become very confused and depressed.  The earthbound spirit of the deceased may have attached to this person, who is now experiencing the feelings of the earthbound spirit.  People often become very confused when they die and people stop talking with them and act like they do not exist anymore.  They may get very depressed, not knowing what to do next, and these feelings imprint onto the person to whom they attach.

What does an entity want?

An entity retains one or two unresolved desires or obsessions which it “tries to satisfy in a repetitive and rigid way” by attaching to a person who shares these desires. The entity wants emotional intensity and/or sensual enjoyment, so it creates desires/cravings in the host that vicariously satisfy it.  Some of these desires are for:

• Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, chocolate, sweets, junk food.
• Unresolved emotional states like anger, hate, depression, fear.
• Sex, gambling, playing the drums.
• A pet project like inventing a free energy device or cleaning up the environment.
• Political power and fame.
• Feeling cared for and nurtured.

Who will an entity attach to?

• Someone who likes what it likes.
• A close relative, friend, or someone it loves.
• Someone of weak character.
• An emotionally vulnerable person.

How does an entity enter or attach to the body?

There is a protective shield between our etheric and astral bodies. When this shield is damaged, torn open or temporarily collapsed, an entity can enter and attach to the body. How can this protective shield become damaged?

• Any great emotional shock can create an explosion in the astral body that rips the shield open: terrible grief, fright, rage, panic, terror, etc.
• Heavy use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.
• Incomplete, forced, or misguided meditation practices.

What are the high-risk conditions for attracting an entity?

Repeated, extreme behaviors open you to entity possession. These include:

• Abusing or being addicted to alcohol, drugs (including marijuana), or tobacco. A word of caution: You are unlikely to attract an entity if you enjoy a beer or glass of wine occasionally. But even relatively light and regular use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco can create small tears in your protective shield.
• Hanging out in seedy bars.
• Excessive use of painkillers and sleeping pills, esp. in combination with alcohol or drugs.
• Engaging in promiscuous sex, having multiple sex partners, visiting brothels or massage parlors, creating or viewing pornography.
• Continuous fantasizing about an intensely desired partner.
• Being sexually abused.
• Gambling and frequenting casinos.
• Lying
• Attending mass gatherings where emotions are stirred to a high pitch, especially when drugs are involved: fundamentalist religious services, sports events, rock concerts, rave parties, or political rallies.
• Watching films, TV programs, newscasts, etc. or playing video or computer games that stir up strong emotions; violent war games can be especially harmful.
• Listening to loud, angry music (heavy metal, hip-hop), especially for babies and children.
• Being in a violent, abusive family. The abuser may be entity possessed; the abused children, spouse, or other relatives are very likely feeling terror and panic.
• Situations where there is mass death and the survivors are terrified, grief stricken, in shock, and/or near the dead; etheric/astral bodies or shells may be arising from the dead, so the living are open to entity possession:
• Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis.
• Manmade situations like war, fires, plane, train, or ship wrecks.
• Battlefields: etheric/astral bodies or shells arising from dead soldiers may be feeling intense fear, hate, and/or violent destructiveness; they may possess survivors, and cause or contribute to the flashbacks, post traumatic stress disorders, and/or violent rampages that plague war veterans on the battlefield and when they return home.
• Car, bike, motorcycle, or boat accidents; if there are fatalities, etheric/astrals may arise and attach to fellow passengers who are traumatized or injured.
• Severe illness when the body and immune system are depleted, especially when there is great loss of fluids or blood.
• Chronic illness that depletes the energy level.
• Undergoing intensive medical procedures that induce fright, especially in children.
• Receiving electric shock or insulin shock treatments, sometimes used on patients in mental hospitals.
• Surgery: a general anesthetic stupefies the patient’s defense system; the body incision creates an opening for an entity to enter.
• Severe Alzheimer’s: a clairvoyant person can see that in some cases the soul has vacated the patient, and other entities have taken over, often not just one entity but several.
• Relatives of advanced Alzheimer’s patients may catch astral fragments broken off from the patient; perhaps “part of the astral body’s shattering, which ordinarily takes place after death, happens while the patient is still alive.
• Relatives of schizophrenic patients may also catch astral fragments from the patient; perhaps “the disintegration of the personality which takes place in the more advanced stages of schizophrenia is accompanied by (or perhaps due to) a premature shattering of the astral body.”
• Exhausting the body by overwork, not eating properly, not getting enough sleep.
• Inviting an entity in; a lonely child may do this and then the entity stays.
• Children are at high risk because they can be more easily traumatized than adults…a large growling dog, being accidentally closed in a closet.
• Death of a beloved person.
• High stress alone or added to any of the conditions above will increase the possibility of attracting an entity.
• An individual with psychic abilities may attract entities from higher astral sub-planes as spirit guides; these guides speak and teach through the psychic. Generally these messages are not of the highest quality, and may lead the psychic and others off track.
• Entities like fleshy inner cavities, so a woman’s reproductive area is ideal; an area of high energy associated with sex, it serves the residual desires of entities for sex.

A fetus weakened while in the womb, may be vulnerable to entity possession later in life:

• Ideally a fetus is basking in the light of its mother’s love and happiness. However, if the woman does not want the baby, and is stressed, angry, or resentful of it, the fetus is living in the woman’s energetic darkness, which is breaking down its defense systems.
• If a pregnant woman is living with an abusive partner she’s traumatized, so is the fetus; an entity can enter the mother and harm the fetus.
• If a pregnant woman is regularly smoking, taking alcohol or drugs (including some prescription drugs), these substances can cross through the placenta into the fetus; often the baby will be addicted at birth, and vulnerable to addiction later in life.

Why does a host sometimes encourage possession?

• The pleasure of both host and entity when engaging in their common desire is magnified; both thrill to sensual enjoyment or harsh emotions.
• The entity keeps the host company, becoming a way to deal with loneliness; this is especially common when an entity has been invited in by a lonely child and becomes a companion for life.
• The entity satisfies the need to care for someone. This may be especially true for a woman who has had a miscarriage or abortion; the yearning of the woman for a child may attract an entity into her womb.

The host must examine and take responsibility for the ways s/he is contributing to entity possession

Negative Energies in the House | Spiritual Energy Cleansing|

Negative Energy.  We have all come across it at one time or another.  It is normally not a pleasant experience.  So how can this unwanted and unproductive energy be removed once it invades?

Negative energies are something many people try to avoid, especially within the home, which is a resting place that should always have a tranquil environment, free of bad vibes. However, negative energies should also be kept away from our places of work or study, since their presence could affect our day to day and keep things from going our way.

Negative energy can fill any space, your physical space, auric space, and sacred space, including your home.  Think of a tarred road sitting under a scorching sun.  You can see the heat rising and filling the air.  The same can be said for negative energies.  They rise and fill the space around them

Let’s use an example.  In this case, a true story of an intruding neighbor.

A neighbor frustrates you.  They come to visit unannounced and invite themselves in for coffee.  While they make themselves comfortable at your table, they begin a conversation about how they dislike this or that.  They gossip and spread false rumors about other neighbors.  They are filling your space with negativity.

You are uncomfortable and may feel anger at their intrusion.  The invisible energy in your home swirls and contorts with waves of negativity.  The energy around your physical and auric body feels heavy and unsettled.  You may silently judge yourself for even allowing them into your space and remind yourself in the future to set some boundaries.

Once they leave, you breathe a sigh of relief but cannot shake what you perceive as a black cloud in and over your home.  What to do??  Take a moment to step outside.  Breathe the fresh air.  Settle your emotions.  Then make a plan to remove this energy from your home.

Have you ever been in your home and felt tired, grumpy, down or just cleansing housegenerally lacking energy, but without any real reason? It might have been an emotional, mental or physical change to how you were. Well it may not be you as such, it may be the energy of your home that is bringing your vibe down.

Energy can become stale in your home if it lacks fresh air, people can also bring in their negative vibes or it can be caused by events of tension or anger in your home. People are very stressed in this modern world so it’s quite easy for the energy of a room to become negative. These energies settle there and cause the vibration of your home to be low.

Energy is present in everything; from the cells of your body to the food that you eat and yes, even in the walls of your home! It is so important to ensure that the energy within you and around you is always flowing optimally. A good flow of energy makes us feel happy, energized and full of life. When energy isn’t flowing so well, we can feel tired, blocked or depressed. Life presents us with many challenges and it’s normal to have negative feelings. The key is to work through those feelings and move back towards the joyful and loving soul you really are. That’s where Space Clearing comes in!

Just as we physically clean a space, we also need to spiritually and energetically clean a space as well. And this is done through a practice called ‘Spiritual cleansing’. Cleansing is the practice of refreshing the energy of your space so that it brightens and can circulate freely. It’s important for your overall wellness that the energy of your house is positive, rather than negative. Ideally, the energy of your home will feel happy, peaceful, safe and uplifting.

Each day we’re being invaded by huge amounts of psychic energies – some of them is positive, but most of them is negative. Aggression, bad news, sad mood, stress, all of this is being released by people into the air, and it’s being absorbed by walls and items around. Do you know what a “residual haunting” is? It’s a popular form of ghost phenomena, like a recording, information stored within walls are being played back so people can see it. These information are being saved within walls because of their strong emotional value.

Same apply to objects of different sort, have you ever thought about so-called “cursed objects”? Yep, like a painting, or a mummy ). Someone bought it, and it appears his life started to fall apart. This is because some objects are cumulating negative energies that are then being released, causing problems in owner life, and he does not even realise it until it’s too late. People love to collect different stuff without cleansing it. Therefore it is good to know how to actually cleanse objects and building from psychic energies.

Your home has collected energy over the years

Let’s just say that you lived in your house for 5 years.  Your house is 35 years old.  You heard that the last couple living here fought all the time until they finally divorced and sold the house to you.  You also know that the first owner eventually died after suffering from a long term illness and at one time there were at least 8 students living in your house.

The pain and suffering, the angst of final exams, the constant name calling, abuse and anger, has left a pocket of Negative Energy in the middle of your house.

For the past 5 years, you, your spouse and child, have been walking through this energy pocket.  Through no fault of your own, you are affected by energy that doesn’t belong to you.  It’s called Imprinted Energy and it grows stronger every time negative emotions are expressed.

It’s important to note that Imprinted Energy is different than a Ghost.  Imprints are like short videos or a memory, played over and over again.   They remain behind after an event has happened and they will never interact with us like a Ghost can.  You can’t get rid of them simply by Spiritual Clearing method.

A house clearing can remove negative energy

A House Clearing can easily and effectively remove Imprinted Energy, from every corner of your home, even your bed.  You can expect to feel warm, cozy and happy, once again.  In fact, I would recommend that you get your house cleared at least once per year – sort of like Spring Cleaning.

If you have listed, and are having difficulty selling your house, it will sell like hot cakes after a fresh and clean House Clearing.  Have your new home cleared before you move in to experience the best move-in day ever!

Why even bother?

Because negative energy only produce more negative energy. Without shielding, I’m not able to work or focus in “dark area” as I call it, not mentioning that I’m getting aggressive, which isn’t good. Everyone who was ever interested in Feng Shui already knows how important is to keep a steady energy flow in the area you live in. If you want to be more productive, and more positive when it comes to thinking in general, you should definitely start spiritual cleansing. And, one more thing – the cleansing I’m describing here is a way to get rid of negative energies.

What Kinds of Energies Can Pollute Our Spaces?

First I want to talk about the kinds of energies we might want to clear from spaces in the first place:

Old Negative Thought Forms and Emotional Residues

These are the biggest polluters of our spaces.

Have you ever walked into a building or home and immediately felt affected negatively by the energy? (This happens a lot to clairsentients and place empaths.) This is because buildings and objects absorb thought forms and emotional energies from their previous owners.

A person might live in a home for years, habitually feeling angry, for example, and these emotional residues will become part of the fabric of the building.

Similarly, negative thought forms (NTFs) can affect spaces. NTFs are our psychological patterns which over time contribute their underlying energy to buildings and places, too.

Earthbound Spirits

Earthbound Spirits also contribute their less than positive energies to spaces.

Earthbound spirits are the mental and emotional bodies of the deceased.

They exist in the astrals, but have not fully crossed over to the astral realm and so a part of them is still on Earth. They are often found in hospitals, police stations, funeral parlors, cemeteries, bars, clubs, and hotels.

Ghosts can stay behind on the earth plane for a variety of reasons. For example, if a recently deceased soul believes they have done something wrong that they will be judged for, they may refuse to cross over. Or if a soul had an addiction when they were incarnated that they are not ready to release, they may also be reluctant to cross over. And when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly and the person is too shocked and distressed to cross over and leave their life behind, they may choose to stay on the earth plane. Unfinished business can also cause a soul to keep a part of themselves in the earth plane, long after their life has ended.

Earthbound spirits also contribute their energies to places, and are usually drawn to such places for specific reasons.

Why Do Ghosts Haunt Us?

What Causes Hauntings?

Haunted HouseWhen you think of ghosts and haunted houses, you probably immediately conjure images in your mind of spooky old houses that are always dark and could easily be the set for a Hollywood film. But hauntings can occur in the most ‘normal’ looking and even relatively new properties, and in other places too. Geographical areas such as woodlands or fields can be haunted as can objects and furniture.

For more on how to spot a haunting take a look at this post “Help! I Think My House Might Be Haunted”

I Was Recently Asked, ‘Why Do Ghosts Haunt Us?’

There are basically three types of haunting. People and homes can be effected by other paranormal activity that could easily be attributed to a haunting but on investigation have a different cause. I’ll cover those in another article.

Different Types Of Hauntings = Different Types Of Ghosts

Spirit in visitation – typically referred to as a ghost and most commonly the spirit of someone who has passed over. In my opinion there are other types of ‘ghost’, but these are the most common. Generally a spirit in visitation is just popping in to say hello and to let you know they’re ok.

Past recording / Psychic Imprint – a recording in time/space of an event that may have been repeated on many occasions, or was traumatic or highly emotional for those involved. It is as if the event is etched in the fabric of the place like a memory, or recorded as though the environment itself is video tape.

Earthbound spirit – the spirit of someone who hasn’t yet passed ‘into the light’ and is said to have unfinished business. Or they may have died so quickly that they are unaware of being dead. These guys usually need some assistance to get moving.

Don’t worry, full-on hauntings are rare. But if you, or anyone you know has a problem it is fixable.