Harish S Reddy (Founder / Spiritual Healer)

Light Age Spiritual Healing Center (LASHC)
Founder –  Harish S Reddy

Holistic healer, Past Life Regression Therapist, Alternative Medicine Practitioner / Drug-less Therapist, Reiki Master & Hypnotherapist

About Founder : Harish S Reddy

After completing his Computer Engineering, He was still left with a feeling of in-completion.
Back then, He could not articulate why He was feeling the way He was. Through his own
challenges, He understood the need and beauty of looking inward. As He began this journey
within. Fully understanding that human beings are “whole” beings, He felt the need to pursue
a discipline that adhered to this school of thought, appreciating the interconnection of the

Harish S Reddy is the pioneer in Past Life Regression Therapy and is doing research from past 7 years about
Body-Mind-Soul. He has invented and introduced various healing and relaxation techniques.
His simple approach and deeply held beliefs have motivated countless thousands to re-evaluate
their attitudes. His understanding and experience has helped people on the path of personal
growth and fulfilment. He is Specialist in drug-less therapy and in keen on promoting the
holistic healing. He has been practicing alternative medicine, treating patients through
combination of Reiki, Hypnotherapy and Other Powerful Healing methods.
He also initiated many reiki healers.

Therapies Mastered by Harish S Reddy are :

  • Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT)
  • Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT)
  • Black Magic Remedy,
  • Future Life Progression Therapy,
  • Life Script Change,
  • Life between lives Therapy (life after death & before next birth),
  • Reiki,
  • Hypno-Reiki,
  • Mudra Healing,
  • Remote Healing,
  • Cord Cutting,Cord Cutting,
  • Sujok Therapy,
  • Hypnotherapy,
  • Recovery of Soul Fragments,
  • Color Therapy,
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT),
  • Crystal Healing,
  • Pendulum Dowsing,
  • Aura Scan and Cleansing,
  • Cleansing Haunted House,
  • Merkaba,
  • Healing through light,
  • Creative Visualization,
  • Self-Hypnosis,
  • Remote Spirit Removal,
  • Tele Therapy,
  • Chakra Diagnosis and Balancing,
  • Pyramid Therapy,
  • Affirmation Therapy,
  • Astral Travel,
  • Healing Through Breathing,
  • Attracting Money and Creating Abundance,
  • Spiritual counseling,
  • Healing through hands,
  • Metaphor Therapy,
  • Surrogate Therapy,
  • Healing power of subconscious mind,
  • Healing Through Water,
  • Healing Through Homa,
  • Personality Development,
  • Ways to improve power of soul,
  • Enhanced Memory Power and Concentration,
  • Energy Healing,
  • Law of attraction
  • Healing Relationships