Past Life Regression Therapy Benefits

Benefits of PLR TherapyPrashant Guruji
Past LIfe Regression Therapy in Bangalore
Past Life Therapy – What to expect from session
What is Past Life Therapy and how is it done?
Commonly Asked Questions about Past Life Therapy?

Benefits of PLR Therapy

  • Release of stress, anxiety and depression that is carried forward from childhood and other lifetimes
  • Clearing and healing traumatic events in past lives which hold us back from full actualization in this lifetime
  • Igniting creativity that was present in other lifetimes and has been dormant due to unresolved issues
  • Expanding your world view, giving you a new perspective of who you really are
  • Allows you to see into your life from a point of your souls plan, your higher self and listen to your inner guidance system, your intuition.
  • Healing fragments of self and bringing yourself into a unity of wholeness
  • You get to rewrite your past contracts and see into your new ones
  • Release ego desires and past traumas that have caused suffering and pain
  • Grounding! Most people feel expansion and balance.
  • Know your life’s purpose and understand what you can do to be more effective and joyful in your relationships.

Types of issues that have been resolved by regression therapy:

  • Fears and phobias
  •  Chronic depression
  • Continuous failures
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Childhood trauma and abuse
  • Chronic neck and back pain
  • Issues of unworthiness and guilt
  • Low self esteem and confidence
  • Insecurity and poor self image
  • Memory and concentration
  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Blocked and suppressed feelings
  • Insomnia
  • Alcoholism and other addictions
  • Uncontrollable anger and grief
  • Fertility and pregnancy
  • Unlocking creative talents.

and many more Psychosomatic problems.

A specific issue or life-long pattern can often be worked through in just a few sessions. It is essential, however, that each layer of the trauma – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – be transformed and integrated for complete healing to occur.

To schedule an appointment for Past Life Regression Therapy (Distant Healing available) at our center in Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore, please  Contact Us