Category Archives: Black magic

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Psychic Attacks| Black Magic|Negative Energy & Spirit Entity

Psychic attacks are initiated by those who have access to dark energies. They know how exactly to manipulate different types of dark spirits, energies and entities.

The person who knows how to initiate powerful psychic attacks transfers negative and dark energies into the energy and physical body of another person. At certain times, dark forces and energies are sent by a person without their awareness.

Most of the time, they are sent intentionally to create damage and harm and psychic attacksto manipulate, control and punish the sufferer. Psychic attacks can be triggered through ritualistic ceremonies and techniques or by using the mind and psychic powers.

If a person’s aura is strong and healthy, the attacker will be unable to penetrate. Factors that weaken the aura include negative emotions, repressed emotions, diseases, smoking and use of alcohol and drugs. Aura can also be severely weakened leaving the person vulnerable to psychic attacks through the presence of worms, parasites, fungus, atomic and chemical poisons in the body.

Most of the diseases and illnesses have their roots in the aura from where they move on to the physical body. It is therefore necessary to take optimum care of the energy body in order to protect it from psychic attacks.

Psychic attacks intentionally triggered through voodoo, spells, negative spiritual attacksenergy rays, invocations, mantras and black magic types can cause serious harm to animals and humans at the emotional, physical, spiritual and mental levels. The sufferer is debilitated at the energy and health level due to the attack.

Psychic attacks trigger many symptoms that indicate the presence of dark energies, entities and spirits. These symptoms can also be due to other health conditions and it is therefore imperative to explore all possibilities before initiating treatment.

Those who are under psychic attack may start acting totally out of character and may display major behavioral changes for no apparent reason. The sufferer is unable to think in an analytical and clear manner and experiences frequent lapse in memory.

The person under spiritual attack also feels totally drained and suffers from fatigue for no reason. They tend to hear voices and experience sudden icy cold feeling all over their bodies. Sufferers have frequent, recurrent nightmares and experience recurring accidents. They totally lack in self confidence and experience extreme fear and discomfort in a particular area in the home or office.

They always have a strange feeling that someone is watching them and experience sudden loss of energy. Other symptoms of psychic attacks include unexplained illnesses that cannot be diagnosed with ease, a feeling that someone unexpectedly bumps into you even if there is no one else present in the room and sensing a strong other presence.

Sufferers also go into a deep depression all of a sudden for no reason and have constant, irrational difficulties with their relationships and finances. They imagine frightening shadows, animals and monsters and have hallucinations and visions. They are plagued by an obsessively negative thought and irrational sorrow, anger and fear.

Spiritual attacks can be combated with the help of a good, reputed psychic healer who will give you valuable tips on how to deal with the situation.

When you experience a psychic attack it is caused by the manipulation of energies and forces which are negative and their vibration are sent across to a person or place which will create disturbances in the physical body of a person and change the energy of a place.

You could see this negative energy as being a spirit, an entity, a being, a thought form or done in magic rituals where harm is meant for a person or place.

For many people there is no belief that they can be psychically attacked. Unfortunately it is true we can be attacked psychically in more ways than one. And if you think that simply ignoring them it will go away this is where you are wrong, they do not go away rather they need to be dealt with.

Psychic Attack

A psychic attack can be intentional or unintentional. The latter is most common.

Intentional Psychic Attack

Intentional psychic attacks can include spells, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or types of black magic. They attack the psyche and can produce devastating effects on the overall health and energy level of the victim.

An intentional psychic attack has serious consequences.

Some signs of an intentional psychic attack and black magic attack are:

  • Unusual sleep disturbances.
  • Regular nightmares.
  • Pronounced feeling of unwellness when physically nothing is wrong with the body.
  • Drainage of energy, severe fatigue.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Sudden onset of depression.
  • Feeling that you have been cut off from the Source.
  • Uncharacteristic thoughts (“Life is not worth living”, “I want to die”, etc.)
  • Feeling being manipulated by some other consciousness.
  • Many things go wrong at the same time.
  • Sudden financial and other material losses.
  • A wasting disease.
  • Hearing unpleasant voices, having scary visions, smelling foul smells.

Removal of the consequences of intentional black magic should be done by a professional. First, the fact of psychic attack has to be confirmed by taking the client’s history and by psychic analysis.

On the etheric level, black magic energies are felt as something extremely unpleasant, nausea-inducing.

The methods of removal of the consequences of psychic attack will depend upon the type of psychic attack.

Unintentional Psychic Attack

The same as intentional but the sender is unaware of what they are doing. They usually harvest intense negative emotions towards the victim. The attack can often happen during the exchange of harsh words and heated moments. The attacking energy is released from one person to the other. It  can remain with them until the energy is properly cleared.

Psychic and/or Dark Negative Energies

This occurs when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. Negative energy may be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. All of these energies can create harmful effects within the person or place.

Psychic attacks and/or dark negative energies do happen more often today than ever before. Some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don’t exist and cannot happen if you don’t believe in them or giving them power by focusing attention to them. This is not true. Problems can and do happen as a result of negative energies and psychic attacks.

We are all connected, influenced and surrounded by many types of energies like mysterious, supernatural, beautiful energies, including intelligent energies, angels and guides. We are affected by the universal energies of all the planets including the Sun, the Moon, other planets, asteroids and stars. Therefore, we are also exposed to several types of negative energies, entities, spirits and intelligent energies which can affect us in so many different ways.

Ancient and Cultured Societies

Societies from Egyptian times to the present have worked with psychic attacks and dark negative energies. African and Haitian people practice voodoo and black magic. North American and European cultures practice black magic and witchcraft. Indian, Chinese and South American tribes have similar practices. Australian Aboriginals practice something called “pointing the bone”. Similar practices are recorded from ancient times and continue to be practiced today in all societies.

Dark Spirits and Entities

Dark spirits and entities can move into physical bodies and auras affecting what people think, speak, do, desire, and or feel. You and/or a place can be invaded by these spirits or entities which can take on the physical attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there appears to be a complete personality change.

Negative Thoughts

Another common/major type of dark negative energy that can be sent to others is through negative thought directed by, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear. These types are called thought forms and they can be embedded into a person’s body or in various layers of their auras causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.

Thought-forms are a manifestation of mental energy that can be sent to others through negative thinking, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear.

A thought-form can be positioned into the attended target’s physical body or various layers of their energetic bodies (auras) causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.

Black Magic, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft and Hexes

Curses (also called execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity — one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, “curse” may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic,witchcraft, a natural force, or a spirit.

In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result that can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. They can involve ritualistic techniques, ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of. Some curses are sent without awareness.

The dark energies that are employed to carry out the curse, will find their way into physical and energetic bodies (auric layers) and homes of the intended targets to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the victim.

The dark energies will affect the victim’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Sometimes the targeted person will take on the physical characteristics, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity to such a degree that the person afflicted has a complete personality change.

Dark and negative energies can be sent intentionally by others this is called psychic attacks and can seriously affect humans, animals and places physically, emotionally, mentally and on many spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include spells, witchcraft, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or many other types of black magic. These energies can attack your psyches and can produce debilitating effects on your overall health and energy level of the affected person.

Drawing Negative Energies to Ourselves

We can draw negative energies, entities and spirits into ourselves without any influence whatsoever from external sources.

Prolonged states of anger, rage, resentments, bitterness, vindictiveness, and many types of fears, will draw and attract these negative energies to us. It’s normal to get angry or fearful when things happen in our lives and these occurrences do not draw the dark side in to us. It’s the long-term and prolonged states that set up the energetic attraction.

Outside Force

Violence of all types, physical, emotional and mental is a very powerful draw for dark and negative types of energies. Certain entities are attracted to certain energetic vibrations. Once they find someone that emanates that vibration they latch on to them feeding of off the person’s bad behavior and even encourages them to indulge in it.

Drug and alcohol abuse also draws in these types of energies.  When we become intoxicated, our auras (natural protection) becomes unstable and negative invaders are attracted to the energy set up by this state and it offers an easy way in.

Signs and symptoms of a psychic attack and negative energies

There can be various different types of symptoms and signs that do indicate that a negative psychic attack is being experienced. We have provided a list that can help you to identify and possibly investigate further for yourself.

  • Loss of memory
  • Acting out of character
  • Big changes in behavior for no apparent reason
  • Experiences rage where as before it was only anger
  • Big changes in ways of thinking
  • Constant and ongoing fatigue for no obvious reason
  • Constantly feeling drained
  • Can have a greyish appearance to skin
  • You can feel like there are two of you, the good side and the bad side and you feel the bad side wants to take over in every situation.
  • Experiencing an icy cold feeling on any part of your body which you will experience this coldness right through to your bones and does not go away.
  • Hearing voices
  • Experience frequent and recurrent nightmares
  • Have the feeling that you are being watched constantly
  • Experience a loss of self confidence
  • Having a sudden illness that eludes diagnosis and can not be explained
  • Sudden depression without an apparent cause
  • Ongoing bad luck
  • Irrational fears, sorrow or anger
  • Entering a room that should be warm and feels icy cold.

Of course this is not a complete list but does give you insights of areas to look into. Of course each person is unique and will experience there own signs and symptoms and they know within themselves that something is a miss and does not feel right. So it is important that if you do have negative energies that are on you. Do get help from a person that knows how to deal with negative energies.