Category Archives: Hunted House Healing

Negative Energies in the House | Spiritual Energy Cleansing|

Negative Energy.  We have all come across it at one time or another.  It is normally not a pleasant experience.  So how can this unwanted and unproductive energy be removed once it invades?

Negative energies are something many people try to avoid, especially within the home, which is a resting place that should always have a tranquil environment, free of bad vibes. However, negative energies should also be kept away from our places of work or study, since their presence could affect our day to day and keep things from going our way.

Negative energy can fill any space, your physical space, auric space, and sacred space, including your home.  Think of a tarred road sitting under a scorching sun.  You can see the heat rising and filling the air.  The same can be said for negative energies.  They rise and fill the space around them

Let’s use an example.  In this case, a true story of an intruding neighbor.

A neighbor frustrates you.  They come to visit unannounced and invite themselves in for coffee.  While they make themselves comfortable at your table, they begin a conversation about how they dislike this or that.  They gossip and spread false rumors about other neighbors.  They are filling your space with negativity.

You are uncomfortable and may feel anger at their intrusion.  The invisible energy in your home swirls and contorts with waves of negativity.  The energy around your physical and auric body feels heavy and unsettled.  You may silently judge yourself for even allowing them into your space and remind yourself in the future to set some boundaries.

Once they leave, you breathe a sigh of relief but cannot shake what you perceive as a black cloud in and over your home.  What to do??  Take a moment to step outside.  Breathe the fresh air.  Settle your emotions.  Then make a plan to remove this energy from your home.

Have you ever been in your home and felt tired, grumpy, down or just cleansing housegenerally lacking energy, but without any real reason? It might have been an emotional, mental or physical change to how you were. Well it may not be you as such, it may be the energy of your home that is bringing your vibe down.

Energy can become stale in your home if it lacks fresh air, people can also bring in their negative vibes or it can be caused by events of tension or anger in your home. People are very stressed in this modern world so it’s quite easy for the energy of a room to become negative. These energies settle there and cause the vibration of your home to be low.

Energy is present in everything; from the cells of your body to the food that you eat and yes, even in the walls of your home! It is so important to ensure that the energy within you and around you is always flowing optimally. A good flow of energy makes us feel happy, energized and full of life. When energy isn’t flowing so well, we can feel tired, blocked or depressed. Life presents us with many challenges and it’s normal to have negative feelings. The key is to work through those feelings and move back towards the joyful and loving soul you really are. That’s where Space Clearing comes in!

Just as we physically clean a space, we also need to spiritually and energetically clean a space as well. And this is done through a practice called ‘Spiritual cleansing’. Cleansing is the practice of refreshing the energy of your space so that it brightens and can circulate freely. It’s important for your overall wellness that the energy of your house is positive, rather than negative. Ideally, the energy of your home will feel happy, peaceful, safe and uplifting.

Each day we’re being invaded by huge amounts of psychic energies – some of them is positive, but most of them is negative. Aggression, bad news, sad mood, stress, all of this is being released by people into the air, and it’s being absorbed by walls and items around. Do you know what a “residual haunting” is? It’s a popular form of ghost phenomena, like a recording, information stored within walls are being played back so people can see it. These information are being saved within walls because of their strong emotional value.

Same apply to objects of different sort, have you ever thought about so-called “cursed objects”? Yep, like a painting, or a mummy ). Someone bought it, and it appears his life started to fall apart. This is because some objects are cumulating negative energies that are then being released, causing problems in owner life, and he does not even realise it until it’s too late. People love to collect different stuff without cleansing it. Therefore it is good to know how to actually cleanse objects and building from psychic energies.

Your home has collected energy over the years

Let’s just say that you lived in your house for 5 years.  Your house is 35 years old.  You heard that the last couple living here fought all the time until they finally divorced and sold the house to you.  You also know that the first owner eventually died after suffering from a long term illness and at one time there were at least 8 students living in your house.

The pain and suffering, the angst of final exams, the constant name calling, abuse and anger, has left a pocket of Negative Energy in the middle of your house.

For the past 5 years, you, your spouse and child, have been walking through this energy pocket.  Through no fault of your own, you are affected by energy that doesn’t belong to you.  It’s called Imprinted Energy and it grows stronger every time negative emotions are expressed.

It’s important to note that Imprinted Energy is different than a Ghost.  Imprints are like short videos or a memory, played over and over again.   They remain behind after an event has happened and they will never interact with us like a Ghost can.  You can’t get rid of them simply by Spiritual Clearing method.

A house clearing can remove negative energy

A House Clearing can easily and effectively remove Imprinted Energy, from every corner of your home, even your bed.  You can expect to feel warm, cozy and happy, once again.  In fact, I would recommend that you get your house cleared at least once per year – sort of like Spring Cleaning.

If you have listed, and are having difficulty selling your house, it will sell like hot cakes after a fresh and clean House Clearing.  Have your new home cleared before you move in to experience the best move-in day ever!

Why even bother?

Because negative energy only produce more negative energy. Without shielding, I’m not able to work or focus in “dark area” as I call it, not mentioning that I’m getting aggressive, which isn’t good. Everyone who was ever interested in Feng Shui already knows how important is to keep a steady energy flow in the area you live in. If you want to be more productive, and more positive when it comes to thinking in general, you should definitely start spiritual cleansing. And, one more thing – the cleansing I’m describing here is a way to get rid of negative energies.

What Kinds of Energies Can Pollute Our Spaces?

First I want to talk about the kinds of energies we might want to clear from spaces in the first place:

Old Negative Thought Forms and Emotional Residues

These are the biggest polluters of our spaces.

Have you ever walked into a building or home and immediately felt affected negatively by the energy? (This happens a lot to clairsentients and place empaths.) This is because buildings and objects absorb thought forms and emotional energies from their previous owners.

A person might live in a home for years, habitually feeling angry, for example, and these emotional residues will become part of the fabric of the building.

Similarly, negative thought forms (NTFs) can affect spaces. NTFs are our psychological patterns which over time contribute their underlying energy to buildings and places, too.

Earthbound Spirits

Earthbound Spirits also contribute their less than positive energies to spaces.

Earthbound spirits are the mental and emotional bodies of the deceased.

They exist in the astrals, but have not fully crossed over to the astral realm and so a part of them is still on Earth. They are often found in hospitals, police stations, funeral parlors, cemeteries, bars, clubs, and hotels.

Ghosts can stay behind on the earth plane for a variety of reasons. For example, if a recently deceased soul believes they have done something wrong that they will be judged for, they may refuse to cross over. Or if a soul had an addiction when they were incarnated that they are not ready to release, they may also be reluctant to cross over. And when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly and the person is too shocked and distressed to cross over and leave their life behind, they may choose to stay on the earth plane. Unfinished business can also cause a soul to keep a part of themselves in the earth plane, long after their life has ended.

Earthbound spirits also contribute their energies to places, and are usually drawn to such places for specific reasons.

Why Do Ghosts Haunt Us?

What Causes Hauntings?

Haunted HouseWhen you think of ghosts and haunted houses, you probably immediately conjure images in your mind of spooky old houses that are always dark and could easily be the set for a Hollywood film. But hauntings can occur in the most ‘normal’ looking and even relatively new properties, and in other places too. Geographical areas such as woodlands or fields can be haunted as can objects and furniture.

For more on how to spot a haunting take a look at this post “Help! I Think My House Might Be Haunted”

I Was Recently Asked, ‘Why Do Ghosts Haunt Us?’

There are basically three types of haunting. People and homes can be effected by other paranormal activity that could easily be attributed to a haunting but on investigation have a different cause. I’ll cover those in another article.

Different Types Of Hauntings = Different Types Of Ghosts

Spirit in visitation – typically referred to as a ghost and most commonly the spirit of someone who has passed over. In my opinion there are other types of ‘ghost’, but these are the most common. Generally a spirit in visitation is just popping in to say hello and to let you know they’re ok.

Past recording / Psychic Imprint – a recording in time/space of an event that may have been repeated on many occasions, or was traumatic or highly emotional for those involved. It is as if the event is etched in the fabric of the place like a memory, or recorded as though the environment itself is video tape.

Earthbound spirit – the spirit of someone who hasn’t yet passed ‘into the light’ and is said to have unfinished business. Or they may have died so quickly that they are unaware of being dead. These guys usually need some assistance to get moving.

Don’t worry, full-on hauntings are rare. But if you, or anyone you know has a problem it is fixable.