Category Archives: Past Life Therapy

Past lives & Reincarnation -

Understanding about Past Lives and Reincarnation

Category : Past Life Therapy

Why does belief in past lives and reincarnation make sense? This is a question that I’ve personally considered all throughout my practice as a hypnotherapist. It is difficult to prove any theory of the afterlife of course, but reincarnation is indicated as a very plausible theory, even without the experience that many people have with past life regression. The purpose of this article is not to come up with the definitive answer, but rather to spark some thought and consideration about this possibility.

One Birth Theory vs. Multiple Birth Theory

Reincarnation and karma explains the inequities found among individuals and groups.

In the religions that propose that people have one life, there is really no logical explanation as to why there is so much disparity between the lives of separate individuals. The question that perplexes many of us is simply this, why would the creator god decide that someone would have all the advantages of a fully endowed life (enough of the necessities of life and to be born being surrounded by the circumstances that would allow for the correct spiritual view) while others are not so fortunate? And, why would the creator god then decide that those who “do not comply” with the dogmas of that religion be damned to eternal punishment? One would have to decide that the creator god is quite capricious rather than the all knowing all loving being.

When you allow for the laws of cause and effect, believing that people experience what they caused others to experience sometime in the future, the inequities of life begin to make more sense. It’s not an uncommon view that when someone performs an action, its effects are definite, so it doesn’t take a great leap of faith that when you think and/or do something, that a potentiality is planted in your mind. Under the right circumstances, that potentiality can ripen into an effect. Thus positive causes result in positive effects, and negative causes result in negative effects. If you were unkind in a past life, unkindness (under the right circumstances) can ripen and be present in a life. If you deprived people of necessities or their life, then those effects, under the right circumstances, can also ripen in the future.

No afterlife point of view vs. multiple birth theory

To believe that there is no afterlife what-so-ever, you would have to believe that our consciousness is centered in the body and that all minds are gross minds. Simply put, when the body dies, the mind dies and that’s it. It is a materialistic point of view, meaning that your consciousness is based on your body.

We do know that all minds are not gross minds (dream minds tell us this), and we even know that the gross mind is not a solid entity. If the mind existed from its own side, it would never change. Our mind is dependent on many causes and is ever changing. We also know that all of our existence, including the existence of our mind, has always been a potential effect since the beginning of time, or it would not exist today. This is the same for our body and this current make-up of who we are is an effect from potentials begun many eons ago.

So, if this mind that we call “me” has been a potential, when we die, why wouldn’t it be a potential again? And, since it has already been a realized potential, what stops it from continuing on? Why then would our mind stop at death? There is no proof that anyone can point to that clearly demonstrates that the mind, our sense of self or our “I” is dependent on the body, but with the above reasoning, we can say that our body is rather dependent on the potentials and minds that preceded it.

How to create Good Karma

Category : Past Life Therapy

If you believe in reincarnation and future lives, then you might want to consider what conditions you would like to live under in the future, so that you can progress forward in your Spiritual Life.

How to Create Good KarmaIn considering those conditions, here are some of the things I would personally like to have:

1) To become someone that has the physical and mental ability to discriminate between helpful and destructive actions. Animals and others that are constantly in pain have a very difficult time with this discrimination. Also, humans can be born or acquire problems that can take away their ability to discriminate and intentionally perform genuinely beneficial actions.

2) To be born in an environment where there is enough to eat and all the necessities of life are easily found, including fresh water, air and a healthy environment.

3) To be born with wisdom, status and resources to easily allow for a spiritual practice and to assist others with their spiritual practice. This is one of the greatest benefits I experience from my own Spiritual Healing practice.

So, by thinking about what you would like to create for yourself in the future, you can begin to know how to create good karma now so that it’s more likely to happen. Remember that you get to experience in the future what you intentionally cause others to experience. Deciding to assist others with a genuine desire to help is a great way to begin. Of course it’s important to root out any hidden agendas, misunderstandings or deep seated negative karma from the past.

Hypnosis and past life regressions, along with various other forms of alternative healing are a great resource to help you know what you really want to create and clear the limited beliefs or past karma that prevent you from doing so. Taking the time now helps to ensure that the conditions of your future lives will be advantageous for your spiritual healing, progress and happiness.

How do I create good karma?

The word Karma can be thought of as actions or deeds and also as the law of causality. [Karma] According to Mayavada/Advaita Vedanta of Adi Shankara (Great Indian philosopher 8th Century AD) and most Buddhist schools the aim of human life is Moksha/Nirvana or getting rid of Karma and its fruits. But as long as one has not reached that stage some or the other Karma is inevitable whether we like it or not. Therefore those actions that help one reach the aim of Moksha/Nirvana should be done and they constitute good Karma. The Bhagwadgita says that no human being as long he is alive can avoid action, therefore he must involve himself in actions according to his inherent qualities, temperament, social position, Divine eternal moral order/cosmic law  and stage in life. Again for spiritual seekers the Bhagwadgita recommends superior actions (Sattwic), spiritual praxis, self control and surrendering to the Divine will. All these constitute good Karma. According to the dualistic schools (Dvaita) of Indian spirituality love, devotion, faith, service, worship and final surrender to the Divine is the aim of human life and all actions that help reaching this aim are good Karma. According to the Yoga school of Indian spirituality the aim of human life is Moksha and there is a eight-fold path of spiritual praxis. Following the path with sincerity constitutes good Karma. All human beings are born in the world with some inherent qualities, likes, dislikes and aspirations. There is a purpose for each birth. That purpose will have to be fulfilled in life. therefore, that Karma (whether it is good or bad) will have to be compulsorily done. That Karma cannot be wished away.  Thus, certain Karma is unavoidable. All paths of Indian spirituality recommend paths and methods of getting rid of bad Karma as far as possible, minimizing its bad impact as far as possible and doing good Karma or getting rid of Karma altogether. This is for spiritual seekers. For the common men/women following the general rules of morality and ethics should help create good Karma or reaping the fruits of good Karma.

‘Karma’ is a Sanskrit word for actions or deeds. It’s a Hindu and Buddhist concept from ancient India that embodies the idea of cause and effect, action and reaction. It’s also about contributing to a better and more beautiful world. But how does karma work in our lives?

We believe that acting with good, true intentions – and creating and sharing goodness – will always create ‘good karma’. The idea of helping to shape a positive, loving and kind world resonates strongly with us because we feel that this can have a wonderful ripple effect.

How do we practice Good Karma?

Karma is the idea that whatever happens in our lives is a reaction to our own previous actions; it’s an effect of what we’ve done, felt or said before. In other words, all of our intentional actions have an effect, and we’re the creators of our own reality. Whatever we do, say or feel, affects how our lives will be shaped in the future. Karma is all about doing good, not just for ourselves, but for others and the world around us. Let’s think of our lives as a garden. If we take good care of it, if we put in time and effort, it can be beautiful. But we need to realize that there are things in our garden that are beyond our control: rough weather, the seasons and even the people who walk into our garden, whose intentions are different from ours. But we are the gardeners – we determine what our gardens will look like and how we deal with the imperfect and the unexpected.

Creating karma: living with good intent  takes practice. Day after day, living with the right intent means cultivating mindfulness and compassion amid the chaos. It means paying respectful attention to loved ones, to our surroundings, connecting to nature. It means finding beauty in the small things; being open to new wisdom; to listening quietly. It also means building good karma: we need to replace our anger, greed and negativity with love and kindness.

We create our karma through …
the right thoughts;
the right speech;
the right actions.

In other words, by focusing on good intent. Instilling good intentions in all of our thoughts and actions mean that we can’t help but create and share goodness for ourselves and those around us. - LASH - Past life Therapy

Past Lives do affect your Present Life

Category : Past Life Therapy

Past Lives do affect your Present Life

Past lives make logical sense! Why would someone be born blind, or killed in war, or live in abject poverty when someone else lives in a happy family in peacetime and is financially secure? Also, why do some people have battles with a pattern of continuous bad luck that they are seemingly unable to change?

One way of looking at this is that before we incarnate onto this earth plane, we have the intention to work on certain lessons. When we fail at the end of a lifetime to learn that lesson, we get another chance to do a “make over” in another incarnation — with a different set of circumstances or sometimes with the exact person we were with before. But what often happens is that the lesson is still not learned, and therefore a pattern starts to develop. With each succeeding life, the pattern becomes more ingrained, resulting in greater difficulty to overcome it.

From this present life’s perspective, we are puzzled about why we should have this particular pattern or bad luck and how to release it. In actuality, it is just a particular lesson coming up again for resolution.

Fortunately, we can access this information easily through the use of hypnosis. Every memory we have ever had in any lifetime is recorded in our subconscious memory computer, and we can gain access to it through our conscious intention to do so in a very relaxed state.

Past life regression gets at the root from so long ago of when this pattern first began and through good understanding and forgiveness releases the pattern so that it never returns again in this present life or in subsequent lives.

Almost any unresolved issue begun in a past lifetime can affect our present circumstances in health, relationships, career, finances, fears, phobias and addictions.

One common fear is of one’s personal psychic or healing abilities. Someone may be fascinated by these subjects but have a terrific fear of developing them. Many times this can be caused by rejection, banishment, humiliation and even death (burning at the stake), for example, for being a medicine person in a past lifetime. Therefore, there is fear of developing these abilities again because of the subconscious fear that you may again suffer a similar fate. This pattern can be erased by forgiveness of the perpetrator(s) and remembrance of one’s innate psychic and healing abilities.

The following are other fears and patterns that may arise from past lives:

  • Fear of leadership — This can be caused by actual misuse of power or perceived, but not actual, misuse of power in a past life. For example, many people, particularly in the Midwest, have guilt over lives as Native Americans when, as chiefs or tribal leaders, they made decisions they thought were correct but had an adverse effect on their tribe, resulting in widespread death and loss of land. This guilt is misguided, because no matter what their decision, the result would have been the same.
  • Fear of intimacy — Many people with this issue were violated or abused in a previous lifetime and today still carry a lack of trust in and a fear of getting close to others.
  • Failure to let go of a relationship — People may need to repay karma to one another before letting go. Often, though, they fail to recognize when the karma has been completed and it is time to move on.
  • Money issues — These may be the result of greed to the point of harming others’ health and livelihood in a particular lifetime. In this lifetime, therefore, there is scarcity, money losses or failure to be able to make or save money.
  • Weight gain/loss issues — These sometimes are the result of past life food deprivation or starvation. In this lifetime, the person overeats because of a subconscious fear of not having enough food.
  • Illness — Some illnesses, especially those that are unexplained by the medical community, may have a direct basis in a past life. For other illnesses, past lives may be a contributing factor or trigger.

Many people feel actual physical symptoms during hypnosis, such as pain or pressure in their chest or head, shaking of the body, difficulty breathing, and crying. These symptoms go away by the end of the session.

If the perpetrator/victim is someone the client knows in this lifetime, additional dialogue is needed to release current misunderstandings based on the past.